Chinese Lanterns – Birthday Launch and Found

On July 4th, plussers around the world celebrated +Halfdan Reschat's birthday. On this side of the pond, +Keith Cramer, +Kristi Fahlsing, daughter Cramer, and I launched a dozen or so Chinese lanterns. Each lantern carried with it a picture of Halfdan and +Fluffy McSharkah Khanย along with birthday wishes and an e-mail address for anyone finding a lantern to notify us.

Attached to this post are two videos of our second lantern launch from our family 4th of July get together.

E-mail reply from Jodi:
HI! ๐Ÿ™‚ My name is Jodi S., I was on my usual saturday morning walk back to the bar to get my car this morning and found 2 lanterns…. i picked them up because i dont like litter and found your picture with an email saying to let you know where they landed. Well both lanterns ended up in a field in the north part of Fort Wayne, Indiana.

E-mail reply from Brenda:
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I found the Chinese lantern launched for Halfdan's birthday. It was found today in my backyard in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Best of luck with everything. What a fun thing to do.
Happy Birthday, Halfdan!!

Reply from Pam who tracked down and posted to Halfdan on Facebook:
Found your balloon in Huntertown, IN. Pretty cool your friends did that for your birthday!! Happy Birthday from the James's.
Link to Halfdan's post about this:

Scott's original post:

Scott's video of the 1st launch:

Kristi's video of the 1st launch:

Keith's video of the 1st launch: ย

Keith's second post:

#HappyBirthdayOverlord #HappyBirthdayHalfdan

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12 Responses to Chinese Lanterns – Birthday Launch and Found

  1. Jo Lane says:

    That's awesome that you got a response from people, I'll give the videos a watch later when I'm awake enough for noise ;P

  2. Sandra Berkshier says:

    How far away are those places from where you launched the lanterns?

  3. Daniela Huguet Taylor says:

    Weeeirrrdd… is that a gif or a video? ย I see the little "play" icon in the centre, but the image is animated… O.o'

  4. Tazein Mirza Saad says:

    Very nice! +Scott Cramer

  5. ?????? ???????? says:


  6. Keith Cramer says:

    They made it (at most) a few miles from where we launched. We let them loose from the north side of town.

  7. Halfdan Reschat says:

    I honestly expected that you guys would one reply at most. It is very cool that people took the time to write a message.

    You guys did well.

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    Sorry it took so long to post the follow up! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Jodi`s was my favorite reply! Funny.

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    Yup! Does not drink and drive and picks up litter! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. Mellie B says:

    That's super. I was thinking last week of asking if you ever got any replies. ๐Ÿ˜€

  12. Keith Cramer says:

    I think Jodi's message was sort of hinting that we should be littering…

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