Loud and Proud!

Thanks for the G+ sticker +Sean Cowen and +Blaine Hall !

+Keith Cramer put his on his Jeep first but he used the small one and I used the big one! Ha! 😉

Edit: Brother Keith used the same size sticker. Oh! Snap!
Loud and Proud! Thanks for the G+ sticker +Sean Cowen and +Blaine Hall ! +Keith Cramer put his on his Jeep first but he used the small one and I used the big one! Ha! 😉

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30 Responses to Loud and Proud!

  1. angelique anne-marie says:

    How cool!!!

  2. Sean Cowen says:

    Looking very G+ Geekly! #awesomesauce

  3. Phill Burns says:

    Epic! We need approximately 60 million sending to the UK please. Should help raise awareness of G+ as all the UK media are clearly happy as FailBook and Twatter fans.

  4. Mellie B says:

    Omg your plate.

  5. Damian Sanchez says:

    +Scott Cramer I'm jelly for both the sticker and the plate!

  6. Shaker Cherukuri says:

    Where do you get it?

  7. Matt Ingrouille says:

    Yeah, where'd you get those +Sean Cowen

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    Passing the "where to get" question to +Sean Cowen 🙂

  9. Jeff Shigenaka says:

    Very cool, I want one please. And a (facepalm) to you sir on your plate!

  10. Sean Cowen says:

    Visiting the Google HQ in New York for last summer's #nychirl2  event hosted by +matthew rappaport. We had a meet and greet and had some of these as special takeaway treats. I wish I had a 1000 to give out. Next time I'm in NYC or Mountain View, I'll do my best to pick some up for peoples.

  11. Meirav M. says:

    ooh, you've got a 42 number plate! <swoon>

  12. Nikki C says:

    You have the best plate I've ever seen in my life. I'm green with envy!

  13. Scott Cramer says:

    Lol! Thanks for the comments on the plate! The G+ sticker was the perfect addition. Thanks again Sean. Owe you one!

  14. Tony s says:

    If Google didn't violate the private information/data of it's customers while cooperating with the government to assist in illegal spying.  Or if they were not evading billions in taxes.  That might be a neat sticker.

    The sad thing is they happily admit they do not care.  Profits and perks are their game.

  15. Scott Cramer says:

    +Tony s Not to say I agree with any wrongdoings, and though I do not know any of these things to be proven, I appreciate this forum for all the wonderful people that I have met. After viewing your profile, I appreciate that you have a passion for justice, but you are here with the rest of us and I find it hard to believe that you have found the true path to not spending your money with any corporations in the U.S. that are doing wrong. This thread is my celebration of geekery and G+ as a part of it. I did not delete your comment outright but from this point forward, this is not a discussion or referendum for political views and insinuations. If you would like to reply, please do so in a new post and feel free to tag me there, sir.

  16. Damian Sanchez says:

    +Scott Cramer wins teh interwebz today for his reply above!!!

  17. Tony s says:

    But?  But?  OMG 🙁  There is nothing more important than politics at this present moment.

    Ok I shall follow the house rules +Scott Cramer …..

    If you want to remove that sticker from your car.  I will pay you $10 in bit coin. Or $50 (25 first via pay pal) then the other $25 when you come to Indianapolis so we can discuss it over brewski I buy.  TY

  18. Matthew T. says:

    So mad, went to bingo last night and guess what number never showed? Yep Mr. 42

  19. Damian Sanchez says:

    face palm

  20. Scott Cramer says:

    +Tony s You gots 'ya some moxie. I am certain we have a pretty good overlap in beliefs. But… G+ sticker staying loud and proud. If anything, it's an open geek invite for discussion. Thanks for being cool with the reply.

    And… C'mon… License plate is still killer.

  21. Tony s says:

    You look good as slave Liea.  We all have some good qualities.

  22. Keith Cramer says:

    My response: http://goo.gl/mwakST

  23. Scott Cramer says:

    Ha! Was just coming to correct this. Sorry Bro! Same size sticker and you were first. Mine is still better… But it's not like it's a competition. 😉

  24. Keith Cramer says:

    I'm pretty sure that +Sean Cowen handed me the sticker first when we met. Soooo, that makes mine even better. thhpt.

    Nope, its not a competition. It's just a couple of facts.  🙂

  25. Damian Sanchez says:

    Nooooooo…of course this isn't a competition between brothers… nope.

  26. Keith Cramer says:

    Your "Oh Snap" comment makes me chuckle every time I read it. http://youtu.be/vUb_S4e-Rd4?t=2m7s

  27. Patty Rose says:

    My uncle has "millennium bug" stickers on his 2000 VW bug, plate says "INTRNET".

  28. Patty Rose says:

    I like your plate better, but I think the Millennium Bug wins.

  29. Scott Cramer says:

    Much more fitting on a Bug. Now, if it were an original Beetle, no contest at all. 😉

  30. Patty Rose says:

    He also has a beetle, he got the bug just for the pun. (You know you have too much money when.)

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