Playing with Shadows and Cell Photography

Just playing… thought that I would share. I took a number of photos from different angles but particularly liked this shot. Other than the black and white treatment, nothing was changed (aside from any enhancement Google chose to do on upload). Pictures taken with Nexus 4 cell phone and B&W conversion done with the stock photo app.

#cellphonephotography #lightandshadows  

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4 Responses to Playing with Shadows and Cell Photography

  1. Micha Fire says:

    the B&W one does have more contrast – but I still prefer the color one 😉

  2. Keith Cramer says:

    I like the color too.

  3. Maria B-R says:

    Prefer the color.

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    Same. Thanks 🙂
    I like to show daughter to take pics of anything and everything; and not worry about people wondering what you are doing.

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