Screen Pop-Ups on Mobile

Please, please, please, Google, make these go away! These pop up when you scroll up the stream (on the mobile app for Android). The bottom one was annoying enough (I never use it) but the top one is super annoying. Grr!
Screen Pop-Ups on Mobile Please, please, please, Google, make these go away! These pop up when you scroll up the stream (on the mobile app for Android). The bottom one was annoying enough (I never use it) but the top one is super annoying. Grr!

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20 Responses to Screen Pop-Ups on Mobile

  1. Melony Isaac says:

    I need the bottom one. The top one not so much

  2. Tiffany Henry says:

    Just touch the top one it goes away and refreshes your stream. no big deal

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    I could live with just the bottom one; though I'd rather the options be in the drop-down menu on the top right (where settings are). I scroll up and down the screen often and really dislike the popping up and down menu. An option would be REALLY nice to have it off/on so people could decide for themselves.

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    +Tiffany Henry Until it comes back. 🙁

    From a programming and design standpoint, it sure seems like the interface could have the "refresh screen if new posts" button in the top header area easy enough.

    Love the mobile app, don't get me wrong. I use it more than the browser version for reading since the last major updates (multi-column blah).

  5. Daniela Huguet Taylor says:

    It could change the colour of the refresh icon instead of doing that, it'd be much better.

  6. Tiffany Henry says:

    I hear ya.

  7. Kevin Guertin says:

    With 3000 people in my circles, I always have new posts. It's a pointless message, it's annoying, and distracting. It is a "big deal". I don't want to touch it because I'm not done with the current stream.

  8. Tiffany Henry says:

    G+ Discuss community, where you can go to give feedback on all the things you consider "a big deal."

  9. Tiffany Henry says:

    If you don't touch it, it won't go away, and your stream won't refresh and you can finish with the stream.

  10. Terrence Roberts says:


  11. Scott Cramer says:

    Thanks Tiffany; re community. 🙂

  12. Mario Lombardo says:

    At first I thought it was cool that they put "tips" to use the new UI, then the damn thing never went away, lol.

  13. Brian Blakesley says:

    driving me bat-scat crazy

  14. Tiffany Henry says:

    +Scott Cramer I only mentioned that, because they took down the feedback forums. Now those are read-only. To give any feedback or complain about anything, you do so in the community I mentioned.

  15. matthew rappaport says:

    Lol grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr tigernado grrrrrrrrr !

  16. Kirk shelton says:

    the blue refresh icon was fine.

  17. Mark Bienvenu says:

    The ones on iOS are much less offensive.  They look more like that DoctorWho hashtag on the second post in the screen shot.

  18. Christopher Gaul says:

    I don't see the problem. I don't find them annoying at all, and certainly less annoying than the jump scrolling automatic refreshes we had to put up with before.

  19. Kirk shelton says:

    we didn't before this. the refresh icon turned blue.. now we have a useless refresh icon.

  20. Bill Fairchild says:

    At least it stopped scrolling to the top for no good reason when I'm trying to scroll down ^.^

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