Sunday Night

Ah, Sunday night. Kick your feet up and accept my condolences.

Edit: Anonymous image found while surfing.

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13 Responses to Sunday Night

  1. Kathryn Huxtable says:

    Yeah, how is this possible, but it is accurate.

  2. Nick Bartolo says:

    Accurate as can be. ย The calm before the inevitable storm.

  3. Chad Wilson says:

    This is only true for me during football season.

  4. Matt Ingrouille says:

    I got the week off, suckerz!

  5. Free Dee says:

    Such truth. Ummm, can I +2,000 this one? ????

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    +Free Dee +2000 accepted. It's Monday here now; hopefully they didn't expire. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    +Matt Ingrouille Pbbbt.

  8. Lacerant Plainer says:

    Hehe just brilliant. I am not looking forward to the next week O..o

  9. Tamra Bryan says:

    Still Sunday night here and this both pleases and saddens me.

  10. Basil Doeringsfeld says:

    This is pretty good, 100% original Scott Cramer I'm assuming?

  11. Brigitte Wooten says:

    Pity party. ย ๐Ÿ™

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    +Basil Doeringsfeld Found while surfing… No credits attached. Should have stated that, sorry!

  13. Jacqueline Hodsdon says:

    Perfect. ย ๐Ÿ™‚

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