Can you tell me how to get to Sesame G+ Street?

Today's mash-up is brought to you by the letter "G" and our favorite characters Andrew "Bert" Clifton-Brown and Dirk "Ernie" Reul! 😉

#gplususermashup   #sesamestreet   #bertandernie  +Dirk Reul +Andrew Clifton-Brown 

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69 Responses to Can you tell me how to get to Sesame G+ Street?

  1. Sandy Berkshier says:

    Oh this is much better! Can I get an autographed copy +Dirk Reul and +Andrew Clifton-Brown ?

  2. Carrie Canup says:

    Omg! Does the "G" stand for giggle?

  3. Skye Delaney says:

    +Dirk Reul Your Ernie pants are styling!!

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    Carrie – Does now! 😉

  5. Sandy Berkshier says:

    I think Dirk would go crazy with shoes that grubby.

  6. Carrie Canup says:

    I think I can hear him whimpering +Sandy Berkshier

  7. Carrie Canup says:

    Well.. It's a good thing he loves his Rubber Ducky..

  8. Tiffany Henry says:

    OMG dem #mompants!

  9. Terry McNeil says:

    How did I miss this!! Awesomesauce!!

  10. Dirk Reul says:

    wait until, +Andrea Evans sees this..

    I need more coffee and maybe a cookie now, I wonder if you giggled all the time as you made this one, Scott :p

  11. Scott Cramer says:

    +Dirk Reul Indeed I did. I really liked working on this one. 😉

  12. Dirk Reul says:

    It turned out amazing, Scott! Well done 🙂 
    but.. the shoes.. the pants..

  13. Scott Cramer says:

    Yeah, looks like something right out of your wardrobe! Hehe

    You guys are both great sports. Thanks. 🙂

  14. Dirk Reul says:

    It is our involuntary pleasure!

  15. Nikki C says:

    Bravo! Oh those are fancy turn-ups you have +Dirk Reul .
    I've never noticed the disproportionate size of that one finger on Bert +Andrew Clifton-Brown until now.

  16. Dirk Reul says:

    … I dare not ask why that is..

  17. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    What fresh hell is this?

    Loving them shoes +Scott Cramer!

  18. Stephanie Dreyfürst says:

    Monobrow, Rudolph-like nose and that scary finger: Bert is a creature from hell whereas Ernie is kind of cute. It's an abusive relatioinship, I am sure.

  19. Dirk Reul says:

    That explains so much..

  20. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Fact 😉

  21. Andrea Evans says:

    Oh god – today is truly turning into a gigglefest!

  22. Dirk Reul says:

    Started drinking early, Andi? ;p

  23. Andrea Evans says:

    Hahaha. Nope – wait for my post – it will explain a bit :-p

  24. Dirk Reul says:

    Should I get popcorn?

  25. Andrea Evans says:

    There's a popcorn maker in your office?   Or do you just keep a bag handy in case these moments happen?

  26. Dirk Reul says:

    I am always well prepared! Microwave popcorn

  27. Andrea Evans says:

    Just don't forget the tarp this time, oh Mister I'm-Prepared :-p

  28. Dirk Reul says:

    You were watching, you could have helped :p

  29. Andrea Evans says:

    I DON'T clean.  You know this about me.

  30. Dirk Reul says:

    Are you planning on training dropbears to do that in OZ? :p

  31. Brigitte Wooten says:

    +Scott Cramer You only encourage me, you know.
    Made skills, my brother. 😡

  32. Scott Cramer says:

    I do so like to encourage others… 😉

  33. Scott Cramer says:

    And… some deleted comments. Troll deleted and blocked. Responses concerning troll deleted. Some mother's children. Sigh.

    So… who else needs added to Sesame G+ Street? 😉

  34. Brigitte Wooten says:

    Animal, Janice, Beaker, the Professor, 
    The Count, Cookie Monster, Oscar, Fozzie,
    The Grouchy Old Men (Mr. Waldorf and Statler)
    Piggy and Kermitt

  35. Nikki C says:

    Which one best suits you +Brigitte Wooten ?

  36. Brigitte Wooten says:

    I can't say. I don't see myself very well.
    What about you, +Nikki C ?

  37. Brigitte Wooten says:

    The ladies might be better as GoT or women in history.

  38. Nikki C says:

    No comment +Brigitte Wooten ;0)

  39. Scott Cramer says:

    Ha! GoT vs. Bert and Ernie. I think +Dirk Reul and +Andrew Clifton-Brown should weigh in on this. 😉

  40. Dirk Reul says:

    I do like GoT a lot
    Not sure as who though, on the other hand
    Hmmmmmm GoT lacks nice characters too

    I may also be overtired o_o

    Will come back

  41. Scott Cramer says:

    +Dirk Reul Think on which women folk would make good Sesame Street characters. 😉 I definitely owe you some Photoshop justice.

  42. Dirk Reul says:

    Aren't we actually more talking The muppets ? 🙂 because I can do that :p

  43. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    +Andrea Evans hands down 😉 And the Cartlidge. Not by my hand mind…

  44. Nikki C says:

    Damn you Bert!

  45. Dirk Reul says:

    Oh +Carrie Canup is going to be served too

  46. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Yeah. I'd say +Margot M but she would in fact kill me.
    +Elisabeth Schabus however….

  47. Carrie Canup says:

    Served? +Dirk Reul is this a Carrot inference?

  48. Scott Cramer says:

    Good thing this is a long weekend 😉

  49. Dirk Reul says:

    We'll see, +Carrie Canup


    I also think that +Lise Bjerregaard Nielsen would make an amazing muppet

  50. Carrie Canup says:

    Might I petition for +Dirk Reul as Bean Bunny

  51. Carrie Canup says:

    +Jay Dee Sullivan says I should be Miss Piggy or Rizzo the Rat. The first because I command attention, the latest because of my animated personality

  52. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Not forgetting +Jo Lane +Brigitte Wooten and +Stephanie Dreyfürst 😉

  53. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    And of course +Terry McNeil and +Kyla Myers

  54. Nikki C says:

    So +Margot M scares you +Andrew Clifton-Brown but I don't?
    Perhaps +Margot M will share her secret to success when we go spinning sparklers.

  55. Terry McNeil says:

    If I send cookies, does that get me off the hook?

  56. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    I would not cross her in a million years +Nikki C I reckon I could hold you at bay with something shiny!

  57. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Send them to Dirk and myself and we'll consider it +Terry McNeil 😉

  58. Terry McNeil says:

    I would think +Scott Cramer is the one to bribe with cookies. 😉

  59. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Damn. Foiled again! Will we never get cookies Dirk!

  60. Brigitte Wooten says:

    It's like Santa's Workshop!
    Busy, busy, busy.

  61. Nikki C says:

    Shiny?  Something blue should do it!

  62. Stephanie Dreyfürst says:

    Miss Piggy for me. Or Animal.

  63. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    I thought you and Brigitte could be Waldorf and Steadtler… 😉

  64. Dirk Reul says:

    I may or may not have just spewed coffee when imagining that, Andrew <_<

  65. Stephanie Dreyfürst says:

    Oh, coffee! The magic word. I'd be anything for a good cup of coffee. Even one of those Two-Dollar-Crack-Whores +Andrew Clifton-Brown seems to like so much.

  66. Dirk Reul says:

    I think he has gone on to tea bags as his drug of choice

    Earl Grey

  67. Stephanie Dreyfürst says:

    Too much Bergamotte oil for my taste, I prefer a nice milky Oolong.

  68. Clare Cosgrove says:

    Ha ha marvellous!! +Andrew Clifton-Brown is this your smiley face?? I'm with +Nikki C I dig those turn ups +Dirk Reul !!!!

  69. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Now you know why I don't smile +Clare Cosgrove 😉

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