Import / Export / Mash-Up

It's the +Dirk Reul "Ride 'em Dirk" just in time for Halloween! Thanks to +Terry McNeil for finding this awesome import product!

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124 Responses to Import / Export / Mash-Up

  1. Dirk Reul says:

    +Andrea Evans and +Janelle Elly as well as +Stephanie Dreyfürst and +Carrie Canup 


  2. Sandy Berkshier says:

    You guys need to warn people. I was just casually scrolling through my stream……BAM. I am so glad I wasn't taking a drink at the time.

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    Heh. 😉

  4. Dirk Reul says:

    I have no idea what you mean, +Sandy Berkshier <_<

  5. Sandy Berkshier says:

    It's ok, Scott does. 😛

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    Python No-one expects the Spanish Inquisition

  7. Dirk Reul says:

    sob quietly in the corner

  8. Terry McNeil says:

    I'm at a loss for words…

  9. Brigitte Wooten says:

    Sweet Mother Google!
    What a stud!

  10. Sandy Berkshier says:

    So Terry are you taking orders now?

  11. Brigitte Wooten says:

    +Sandy Berkshier Start drinking now. Heavily.

  12. Terry McNeil says:

    Yes I am Sandy, delivery before Halloween. 🙂

  13. Sandy Berkshier says:


  14. Scott Cramer says:

    Order now and Terry will throw in the +Andrew Clifton-Brown on an Ostrich and +Halfdan Reschat laser-headed shark-rider.

  15. Sandy Berkshier says:

    That's a bargain!

  16. Halfdan Reschat says:

    According to the drawing on the package it looks like you have to be naked while wearing this "costume."

  17. Terry McNeil says:

    All for the low price of $29.99!!

  18. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Oh that is just brilliant! It truly is beautiful! Or is that beatific?

  19. Sandy Berkshier says:

    Shut up and take my money!!!!! +Terry McNeil

  20. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Can we talk about that price +Terry McNeil? Do you have one just gone past the expiry date? I have two bucks and an ageing lemon on me.

  21. Dirk Reul says:

    I feel like I am being sold too cheap, I have standards…

  22. Terry McNeil says:

    +Andrew Clifton-Brown Prices are negotiable ACB.   There's also a payment plan…

  23. Sandy Berkshier says:

    You come with it? I thought you were just modeling….

  24. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    No you haven't. I brought them for a go on my bike last week. You drove a hard bargain at a buck fifty.

  25. Sandy Berkshier says:

    Everyone needs a hobby you know.

  26. Dirk Reul says:

    Well. it may depend on the buyer. there is only so much of me available.

  27. Brigitte Wooten says:


  28. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    I have these magic beans +Terry McNeil 🙂

  29. Scott Cramer says:

    +Halfdan Reschat I think that would chafe. 😉

  30. Brigitte Wooten says:

    Make it trend.

  31. Nikki C says:

    Bravo +Scott Cramer !

  32. Janelle Elly says:

    Bahaha bahaha! Quality!!!!!

  33. Dirk Reul says:

    There are more, +Janelle Elly <_<

  34. Janelle Elly says:

    I would love to smirk at each and everyone one of them 🙂
    I just love a good laugh. ESP laughs that make me choke on whatever I'm eating. Or drinking. And yes- I realise that right about now, you've thought about something dirty to write.

  35. Dirk Reul says:

    cannot go there

  36. Janelle Elly says:

    Oh, come on now. Don't disappoint.

  37. Clare Cosgrove says:

    This is one of those things that one cannot unsee !!

  38. Dirk Reul says:

    +Janelle Elly this calls for more wine! and Andy, also, check the photos section of my profile, I am sure most of Scott's creations are in there in the "Photos of Dirk"

  39. Lise Bjerregaard Nielsen says:

    1) WANT!

    2) +Andrew Clifton-Brown please stop referring to your testicles as magic beans. It's unseemly and, while it may not be entirely untrue, not a very classy thread derailment strategy.
    Yeah, that's right. I see you. _

  40. Dirk Reul says:

    that means you look closely, +Lise Bjerregaard Nielsen Also when you say "WANT" please be specific

  41. Lise Bjerregaard Nielsen says:

    Immaneed the whole package including the fluffy model, +Dirk Reul. I happen to know that he cooks too.
    Actually, immaneed two of those horses – one for each of us, so we can ride around Dietzenbach and get treated as nobility.

  42. Dirk Reul says:

    I am not quite sure that we will be seen a noble :p This sounds like quite the kinky weekend.

  43. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Everyone sees me +Lise Bjerregaard Nielsen 😉

  44. Lise Bjerregaard Nielsen says:

    Well, your magic beans are showing, +Andrew Clifton-Brown, and even if they are really small, they're also multicoloured, so it's kinda hard not to.

    +Dirk Reul what, nobility isn't shunned and frowned upon like lepers with tinfoil hats where you come from??

  45. Dirk Reul says:

    It may not, +Lise Bjerregaard Nielsen we have so little of it

  46. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    They are funny colours.  I'll give you that 😛

  47. Andrea Evans says:

    I've always loved my little pony and friends!

  48. Andrea Evans says:

    Sorry Dirk – I didn't mean to call it little.

  49. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Mines called Derek.

  50. Andrea Evans says:

    I thought it was Norman -.-

  51. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    He has a split personality.  Sometimes he is Big Derek.  Other times he is Norman…

  52. Dirk Reul says:

    so riding bareback…

  53. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Can I just answer like this;

    The first time I traveled to the land of my Austrian ancestors I was taken to a restaurant where I saw “schnitzel” on the menu. Of course I ordered it, thinking I could use a good German sausage in a bun. (You have my permission to pound your head on the wall now.) I mean, who didn’t grow up with those fast food joints with the giant hot dogs on the top of them?

  54. Lise Bjerregaard Nielsen says:

    Derek's English for Dirk, right?

  55. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Norman's at this point +Lise Bjerregaard Nielsen

  56. J. Hancock says:

    all I gotta say here is how thankful I am that G+ fixed the issue of the stream not showing new posts.  to think I could have missed this!

  57. Clare Cosgrove says:

    I have to mute this post.. you all keep commenting and this image keeps Popping up again and again.. it is too much to bear….Love peace and chocolate all around.. but I have to make STAHP!!!

  58. Terry McNeil says:

    Blames +Scott Cramer and +Dirk Reul >.>

  59. Carrie Canup says:

    When you messaged me asking if I had cowboy boots and a hat, but could I please leave the spurs at home, I was rather confused +Dirk Reul

    now all is made clear….

  60. Dirk Reul says:

    Lies, slander!

  61. Andrea Evans says:

    Hmmmm … I have a humiliating memory regarding boots and a hat but no where near as humiliating as this lol.

  62. Carrie Canup says:

    Apparently he wanted to be broken, not that he'll admit it +Andrea Evans

  63. Andrea Evans says:

    Oh – and for the record +Dirk Reul – when the girls at the office do ask what is making me giggle writhe in uncontrollable fits of laughter on the floor, I just tell them to google your name.  It's really not your food posts that come up in that moment.

  64. Dirk Reul says:

    Oh great.. grumble somehow that was not quite what I mind when I said I wanted to leave a lasting impression on the world..  to create something beautiful, almost majestic, something to mark my place in the world. 

    and then you find this

  65. Andrea Evans says:

    +Carrie Canup  Unfortunately his secret desire to be broken means that he thinks other people want to be broken too.  Which some of us REALLY DON'T!

  66. Carrie Canup says:

    Some of us were broken long ago….

  67. Andrea Evans says:

    I've been broken three days in a row – I guess I'll get used to it -.-

  68. Jimmie Clinton says:

    along with the brilliance, I look forward to +Dirk Reul's reactions. Priceless.

    I too am glad I was not drinking coffee a few minutes ago…

  69. Dirk Reul says:

    I am glad to be of service, Jimmie 😉

  70. Jimmie Clinton says:


    It's all love, man.

  71. Scott Cramer says:

    I never considered the lasting Google searches… Awesome! 😉

  72. Dirk Reul says:

    Yes.. i think.. sort of..

  73. Sandy Berkshier says:

    Just think of all of Dirk's future job interviews. They tend to Google you now you know.

  74. Dirk Reul says:

    Psh, I don't care. I do not want to work in a company that googles the private lives of their employees.

  75. Sandy Berkshier says:

    I would hire you.

  76. Dirk Reul says:

    I am not going to wear this outfit at work, Sandy!

  77. Sandy Berkshier says:

    Of course not. It has been done. There are so many others….

  78. J. Hancock says:

    "work" doesn't mean anyone else would be there +Dirk Reul.

    just sayin'!

  79. Dirk Reul says:


  80. J. Hancock says:

    that's what you hope she says!  I mean, if she's writing your paycheck and all.  =]

  81. Sandy Berkshier says:

    Creativity counts

  82. Dirk Reul says:

    Oh I have a very creative mind

  83. J. Hancock says:

    fertile, even.

    imagination, that is.  =D

  84. Dirk Reul says:

    of course, nothing more and nothing less.

  85. Carrie Canup says:

    +Sandy Berkshier Oooo I want to see these other get ups! Perhaps +Scott Cramer could make some of it a virtual reality.

    Is like paper dolls… Only… Paper Dirks

  86. Dirk Reul says:

    Wait.. how did we end up with this?

  87. Andrea Evans says:

    That read Paper Kinks in my head for some reason.

  88. Dirk Reul says:

    Are we back to.. Charles Dance reads 50 shades  ?

  89. Carrie Canup says:

    Same thing +Andrea Evans

  90. Andrea Evans says:

    And whose fault is that +Dirk Reul

    +Carrie Canup This is going to sound narcissistic in the highest degree – but I adore you!

  91. Dirk Reul says:


  92. Scott Cramer says:

    Could be a great printable mash-up……… plotting

  93. Dirk Reul says:


  94. Carrie Canup says:

    Awww I'm blushing +Andrea Evans .

    When I get back from the land that wifi forgot we needs must wine hangout.

    We should perhaps include +Tara Mulder as she is my port buddy .

  95. J. Hancock says:

    you know those posters that have 'The Doors of Ireland', etc, on them?  just think of the money to be made if you, +Scott Cramer, did one of the different poses of +Dirk Reul!

    I'd buy one.  =D

  96. Dirk Reul says:

    Wait, what? What is going on here? Bueller? Anyone?

  97. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    he's sick.  A girl I knew spoke to a guy who got it from his sisters….You get the drift 😉

  98. Brigitte Wooten says:

    Dirk as Mr. Rooney…dropping the mic and walking away

  99. Sandy Berkshier says:

    Paper dolls… Blow up dolls… It's all basically the same, right?

  100. Sandy Berkshier says:

    Btw does anyone else think of Richard Simmons saying, "I'm a pony! I'm a pony! Don't you just feel like a pony?"

  101. J. Hancock says:

    OMG too funny +Sandy Berkshier!

  102. Carrie Canup says:

    Oh Sandy…. What a visceral response that conjures….

  103. Jimmie Clinton says:

    This has all gone sideways quite nicely.

  104. Sandy Berkshier says:

    My work here is done. I was going to post a video clip, but I only found one with very poor quality.

  105. Dirk Reul says:


  106. Carrie Canup says:

    And by visceral I meant…. Hilarious

  107. Brigitte Wooten says:

    +Carrie Canup Is there someway that you can get him to stop pulling on that poor horse's head?

  108. Carrie Canup says:

    But… I enjoy the exclamation of "hi ho silver!"

  109. J. Hancock says:

    of course Blues Brothers – Rawhide

  110. Sandy Berkshier says:

    Blue Shadows (On The Trail) IN STEREO – Three Amigos!

  111. Dirk Reul says:

    I'm so glad to provide that level of entertainment for all you lovely people 😉

  112. Carrie Canup says:

    Oh… I'm sure that I provide at least some measure of entrainment for you as well.

    Honestly. We appreciate that you are such a good sport!

    gives an apple for a treat

  113. Dirk Reul says:

    Not a horsy!

  114. Brigitte Wooten says:

    And yet you don't seem to have an objection to being…

  115. Carrie Canup says:

    Trotted round the paddock, right +Brigitte Wooten ….

  116. Carrie Canup says:

    Let out the stable…

  117. Brigitte Wooten says:

    biting my tongue Oh, CC. I'm too tired.
    I'm thinking awful stuff.

  118. Carrie Canup says:

    … harnessed to the wagon…. Giving carriage rides through the park…. Given a nice brush down after a hard gallop…..

  119. Brigitte Wooten says:

    rode hard and put away wet. (oh, lawd.)

  120. Scott Cramer says:

    and… more ideas. lol

    +J. Hancock Link for poster?

  121. Scott Cramer says:

    So… did anyone notice the Tommy Tutone reference? 😉

  122. Brigitte Wooten says:

    Jenny, Jenny!

  123. J. Hancock says:

    loosely based on this +Scott Cramer.  =D

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