Welcome to the Weekend!!!

I love Friday the 13th. Really. What better "Good Times" song for Friday the 13th than from one of the best movies evah! The Lost Boys 😉

#fridaythe13th   #weekend  

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9 Responses to Welcome to the Weekend!!!

  1. Skye Delaney says:

    A fave movie of mine because of the amazing soundtrack.

  2. Joachim Kessel says:

    I loved INXS!
    Enjoy your weekend, +Scott Cramer !

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    Don't forget the brilliant acting +Skye Delaney hehehe 😉

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    And to you +Joachim Kessel! Brother and I have many mini movie clips to film. LOL

  5. Joachim Kessel says:

    Thanks Scott.
    Sounds pretty cool, looking forward to your posts! 😉

  6. King D.S.P says:

    Real vamps…wtf is a twilight

  7. Tana Adaneth says:

    Oh yes, I so love this movie.
    Back then and still.

  8. Skye Delaney says:

    I loved the plot, loved the wardrobe,loved the town where it was filmed especially the caves. …but the soundtrack was perfection. +Scott Cramer

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    +Skye Delaney 100% agreement!

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