Dark Cover of Britney Spear's (Hit Me) Baby One More Time by Marty Casey
If you get into talking tunes with +Sean Cowen then amazing connections start popping in your brain. So, (1) Circle Sean, and (2) Interact with him. He's like brain food for music and so much more!
So, on to the tune! Anyone remember watching years back a little reality show called Rockstar: INXS? The INXS guys were looking for a new lead singer and they did it through this show/contest. There were some absolutely AMAZING performances. It was by far, my favorite show of the summer.
One of the contestants, they wanted to throw for a loop so they assigned him a Britney Spears song. He ran with it and it was awesome.
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I didn't see the INXS season of the show but I did watch the follow up Rockstar: Supernova and loved the show
I loved that season also, but you have to see the INXS season!!!
Have you been following his band +Lovehammers +Scott Cramer ?
I did for a bit after the show… first album, the one with their version of Trees. But, I was disappointed. They felt overproduced which was particularly disappointing after all the advice he'd been given on the show. Are they out there and doing well/better?
+Robert Partridge Found a play list of many songs from the season:
They just recently put out an album and they have been getting alot of air play recently.
+shawn parker Totally appreciate you bringing them up! I will definitely be seeking them out to hear what they have been up to since my last listen!!!
Like this one a lot.
Oh my gosh!!!! This is the one!!! I bought this single!!! XD
I remember when they were passing out the song lyrics for this show and the one left for Marty was Hit me Baby… If I recall correctly, he was a little flummoxed!! What do you do with this song?
The answer… Acoustic!!!!
I love this song now, even Brittany's version, all because of the way Marty sings it right here!!
On a side note… Do you remember his "Trees" song he wrote for the last showdown? I thought it was awesome!!
Oh my gosh is that really their google page??? O.O
+Mar Mai Trees is one of my favorites! He redid it for an album after the show and I liked the show version best.
Now this rendition really showcases his voice. Nicely done. He's reminiscent of Kurt Cobain, in both looks and voice.
+Scott Cramer yES!! Agrees whole heatedly with you!!! Live version is best version!!!