Steampunk Jewelry by Daniel Proulx

Last post featured a pendant by Daniel Proulx. He has quite a few other pieces when you go looking! Found these pics at the link below.

Etsy Store:

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14 Responses to Steampunk Jewelry by Daniel Proulx

  1. David Moralez says:

    +Silvia Moralez

  2. Silvia Moralez says:

    I love it! <3

  3. Nicci Moon says:

    It's just wire wrapped jewelry and it's been around since the time of the Egyptians. Steampunk was inspired from this stuff— not the other way around. Thought you might want to know.

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    S'all good +Nicci Moon . I do understand the art form has been around, but I think he has a style that goes together to form a pretty cohesive collection. I did not mean to insinuate that he is unique in the art form, sorry about that! 🙂

  5. Nicci Moon says:

    No worries, man! It just suprises me that there are so many people who have never heard of wire wraps! =)

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    I have seen some before at local art fairs but nothing quite so detailed like this; at least not in person. Do you create any?

  7. Dex Peck says:

    +Dawn Hart Jackson

  8. Dawn Hart Jackson says:


  9. Dex Peck says:

    I know right?

  10. Kyla Myers says:

    Cool stuff!

  11. Cory Cleveland says:

    i want

  12. Patricia JM Hatcher says:

    I love the look!

  13. Quannie Clark says:

    I love it

  14. daniel thomason says:

    Those are some sick designs awesome

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