Low Budget Scene Reenactment is LIVE

This video is made up of a series of television and movie scene reenactments featuring +Scott Cramer, +Keith Cramer, and several +Kristi Fahlsing cameos. All scenes were taken from suggestions made by you guys on the original post! We did the scene reenactments with whatever we had on-hand (plus a few borrowed items from the local big box store) and minimal time and planning.

Early showings of the video have been known to cause blindness, nausea, and a strange desire to watch Sharknado. You have been warned.

Original Low Budget Scene Reenactment post:

#cramerbrothers   #lowbudgetscenereenactment  

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111 Responses to Low Budget Scene Reenactment is LIVE

  1. Mellie B says:


  2. matthew rappaport says:

    I saw this from +Sean Cowen and knew it twas epic before watching!!
    Okay , time to watch before I +Reshare .. ;0 !!!

  3. J. Hancock says:

    like +Mellie B said!  I laughed so much the kids want to know what's going on!

  4. Mellie B says:

    and to think…. that was my excitement at just seeing the video link. 

    Looooooved the video once I watched it.

  5. Knut Torgersen says:

    Wipes tears off face

  6. Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado says:

    OMG this was hilarious!!! Thanks for sharing 😀

  7. Jimmie Clinton says:

    ah…. this is the best thing ever. great job, +Scott Cramer and +Keith Cramer

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    Thank you guys!!!

    Now… someone please go pick up +Knut Torgersen off the floor!!!

  9. Knut Torgersen says:


  10. Shannon Viljoen says:

    You guys are NUTS, reminds of my sister and me!

  11. Zee L says:

    I literally cried from laughing so hard!!! This is awesome!

  12. Lacerant Plainer says:

    Hehehehehehe this is just brilliant! ROFL!!!!!!!

  13. Lacerant Plainer says:

    lol! Harry met Sally is awesomesauce. +Kristi Fahlsing looks like she can't believe the hamming 😛 No, seriously #doubleplusgrand !

  14. Lacerant Plainer says:

    Love the Princess Bride too!!!! Wowwweeee 🙂

  15. Lacerant Plainer says:

    +Gita Jaisinghani.

  16. Gita Jaisinghani says:

    ZOMG So much #gigglesnort
    Chokes on a piece of toast while watching
    This is beyond epic, guys……. this is……. #Crepic

  17. Alison Baur says:

    This is amazing!!! The kids an I did something similar about a month ago but not as epic… We did do Scarface, though. "Say hello to my lil friend!"

  18. Jo Lane says:

    Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha he he he he he he he he he ho ho ho ho ho ho te te te te te te te he he he he he he ROFLMAO XP

    As soon as I saw the link I had to watch… even though I was in work… in the communal office… the headphones saved my colleagues from exposure but I almost wet myself from trying not to laugh out loud, the tears however I could not hold back!!!

    AWESOME work you guys, I loved +Scott Cramer's portrayal of a meteorite, and +Keith Cramer's Sally was probably better than the original; my only querie – were those real fishfingers???

    PS – Please can I have a copy of the photo of Scott in the bath with the bear, I need it for … uh… personal reasons ;P

  19. Dirk Reul says:

    I took a ten minute break to watch it. I cannot even begin to describe my feelings. There are no words. No, I have nothing.. I cannot stop laughing.. this is perfect..

    +Andrew Clifton-Brown +Andrea Evans +Anna Robertson Davis +Nikki C +Ninja On Rye +Annie Yim +angelique anne-marie

  20. Andrea Evans says:

    First thing I'm going to do when I get home!  Well, maybe after pouring a glass of wine 😀

  21. Dirk Reul says:

    oh oh and +Michelle C and +Dawn Hart Jackson

  22. Dirk Reul says:

    Andi, I am not surprised. But do not have the wine in your mouth when you drink ;P

  23. Dirk Reul says:

    I mean watch, you know what I mean. I need more coffee <_<

  24. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    I'll watch at Lunch 🙂  I'm looking forward to it!

  25. Andrea Evans says:

    +Dirk Reul Good idea – I'll just hook up a drip :-p

  26. Dirk Reul says:

    I love it when you are practical..  😉

  27. Andrea Evans says:

    Yup. PLUS that leaves my mouth free for other things.

    Like popcorn.

  28. Dirk Reul says:

    this is a safe space Andi :p

  29. Dawn Hart Jackson says:

    Ridiculously wonderful! Thanks for grabbing me +Dirk Reul 🙂

  30. Dirk Reul says:

    My pleasure, Dawn 🙂

  31. Anna Robertson Davis says:

    Thanks for the heads up +Dirk Reul !  If this doesn't get an Oscar I am officially writing a very stern letter of complaint to the Academy!

    Bravo, Fine Sirs and Madam

    throws roses in your general direction

  32. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    shakes head

    Wow! I can say I was really crying in "Raising Arizona" because the BIG baby Keith was squishing me!

  33. Damian Sanchez says:

    Genius, pure genius!

  34. Chad Haney says:

    I'll have what the #cramerbrothers  are having. I almost wet myself laughing.

  35. Nikki C says:

    I started watching first thing in the office & was promptly told off for cackling so loudly & had to stop watching! I've finally watched all of it at lunch (in my car) & laughed so much I now have bellyache!
    Bravo Cramer brothers, I'm applauding very loudly!

  36. Nikki C says:

    And not forgetting +Kristi Fahlsing ! Ace performance 🙂

  37. Tony Miller says:

    The still image of the video made me think "The 11th Doctor meets Carrot Top?"

  38. Gita Jaisinghani says:

    Yes I luuuved +Kristi Fahlsing's performance esp. in the diner scene. And the crying scene. And the shooting scene.

  39. Keith Cramer says:

    Sorry for the squish +Kristi Fahlsing, but it was for ART!


  40. Keith Cramer says:

    Thanks to all! Glad we could help shake up your Wednesday morning!

  41. Patty Rose says:

    Thinking it was safe to sip on my coffee while watching was dumb…

  42. Kimberly Allen says:

    So. Much. Bubblewrap. And I have a pair of those mustache glasses, too. This was a great way to start my day! Loved it!

  43. Sean Green says:

    Wow +Scott Cramer, +Keith Cramer and +Kristi Fahlsing that was great! I can't believe I almost missed this.

  44. Keith Cramer says:

    +Jo Lane … Hmm, I bet I could even get an autographed copy of the pic for you! 🙂

    I'll be sure to get you a hi-res version later today <grins>

    +Anna Robertson Davis Oscar? When did they add the "idiots with a camera" category? You are so invited to our Oscar celebration party!

  45. Scott Cramer says:

    Thanks all for your awesome comments! <3

    Singing in my head now, "I'd like to give the world a Coke spit take…" 😉

  46. Scott Cramer says:

    And… Many many MANY thanks to G+ and Google because they are ultimately the path that led us here. Seriously… Thank you for providing a platform where serious and silly can be such grand neighbors.

  47. Anna Robertson Davis says:

    That's every category +Keith Cramer 😉  Yay!  I'll make sure I'm wearing my poshest frock.  I'll try not to clash with yours though 😀

  48. Jo Lane says:

    Excellent +Keith Cramer < rubbing hands together in the style of Mr Burns >

  49. Chad Wilson says:

    Bravo!  This video production deserves a new word to describe it, it is awetastic!

  50. Jimmie Clinton says:

    Still laughing this morning. So much fun.

  51. Chad Wilson says:

    BTW, the monolith scene…truly, that deserves an Emmy or something.  Never in the history of acting as the monolith been portrayed so realistically by a person.

  52. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Thank you +Nikki C +Gita Jaisinghani +Sean Green

    All wonderful comments!!

    Yepper sure +Keith Cramer for art mm hm.

  53. Jimmie Clinton says:

    The Raising Arizona bit was one of my favorites. (I just can't resist a Cohen brothers movie reference and there were a couple) 

    +Kristi Fahlsing did an awesome job wit her portrayal of Ed. To think the tears were real. We need an imdb-like trivia post, I think.

  54. Matthew D. Berkshier says:

    Oh my…

    Somehow, when I first read your post that you were looking for a red bikini top, I just knew you were going for the Phoebe Cates "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" scene…

    These are truly one in a million. Great job, guys! (And gal!)

  55. Robert Gibson II says:

    I feel honored to have my suggestion first in the line up! And they just get better from there.

    Best part was in the "outtakes" though. "Ralphie! I can't get up! Ralphie!" Bwa ha ha ha.

    Thanks for the giggles +Scott Cramer +Keith Cramer and +Kristi Fahlsing !

  56. Scott Cramer says:

    We had to tape on the kid's costumes. Which… Trivia fact: props returned to big box store. Somewhere there will be a child this Halloween with no clue where his costume was previously! 😉

  57. Patty Rose says:

    I loved the scene from Armageddon, I felt like I was in Paris as I watched. XP

  58. Halfdan Reschat says:

    I have a beer in my hand and I'm ready to watch this.

  59. Halfdan Reschat says:

    I'm already dying from laughter.

  60. Chad Wilson says:

    Unlike an Asylum production, this short movie did not require alcohol to be watchable.

  61. Halfdan Reschat says:


  62. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Chad Wilson, it didn't hurt though.

  63. Scott Cramer says:

    heheh Thanks +Halfdan Reschat and apologies for any spit-takes with the beer! 😉

  64. Chad Wilson says:

    How many takes did the orgasm scene require?  I am not quite sure how any straight faces were maintained for so long.

  65. Scott Cramer says:

    +Chad Wilson One take for everything except Armageddon and Pulp Fiction. We had technical difficulties with getting everyone in the shot on the latter. Otherwise we just went for it.

  66. David Mills says:

    This is #awesome  I don't know how any of you kept a straight face when doing this. When is the full length feature film coming out 😉 Like +Jo Lane I want to know if it was really fish fingers and custard as you seemed to like it!

  67. Keith Cramer says:

    Pulp Fiction was one take.

    Raising Arizona was two takes…of course our camera man had an issue with the first take!

  68. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Just amazing.  I'm glad I watched it at home full screen.  I can't look at Meg Ryan the same way any more but it was a small price to pay 😉

    Absolutely sterling work +Scott Cramer +Keith Cramer and +Kristi Fahlsing.  Just brilliant!

  69. matthew rappaport says:

    #spoileralert  ..but youve ALL seen it heh!

    Epic #cramerbrothers  :
    I request a 5-10 minute youtube on repeat of +Keith Cramer's Oh oh oh's with table banging!

  70. Robert Gibson II says:

    The best part of the meg Ryan scene was the deadpan delivery.

    Oh oh.
    Right there.

  71. Scott Cramer says:

    +matthew rappaport You are a sick sick man! 😉

  72. matthew rappaport says:

    Super silly sickawesome indeed.. have err on my desk by ya know..soon lol

  73. Chad Wilson says:

    Did the person that wore a tube top in a Phoebe Cates reenactment just cal someone else sick?  _peers suspiciously_

  74. Keith Cramer says:

    +matthew rappaport That scene will haunt me forever.

    +David Mills One take on pretty much everything, so I'd say we did a pretty good job with the straight faces. If you listen closely though, you may hear an 11 year old giggling from time to time. My son had a tough time keeping quiet, and he was the camera man for a few scenes!

    Yep, real fish sticks… in vanilla pudding. +Scott Cramer says it's the closest thing he had.

    And… next time I have fish sticks, I definitely want some pudding for dipping.

  75. Robert Gibson II says:

    Actually, +Keith Cramer , im pretty sure you had it spot on. I believe they call pudding custard over there, much like how they say jelly when to us it means Jell-o.

    Pudding is a much more diverse term. See: black pudding, bread pudding.

  76. Jo Lane says:

    It looked like custard to me; I'm impressed you didn't cheat by using mayonnaise instead ;P

  77. Scott Cramer says:

    Mayo! Blech! 😉 Truthfully, I liked the fish sticks in the vanilla pudding; it was quite good.

  78. Mellie B says:

    Mom's watching now, +Scott Cramer

  79. Scott Cramer says:

    Oh noes!!! I thought you liked your mother!!!

  80. matthew rappaport says:

    cc XD +Motavis Jones +Patricio Briceño !

  81. Motavis Jones says:

    +matthew rappaport that's pretty funny 🙂 Thanks for the CC tag!

    +Scott Cramer yes yes yes yes oh yes circled back hehe


  82. Damian Sanchez says:

    Movie review coming soon…

  83. Keith Cramer says:

    ruh roh, be kind +Damian Sanchez

  84. Scott Cramer says:

    Looking forward to that… Lol 😉

  85. Damian Sanchez says:

    Aren't I always? 😉

  86. Damian Sanchez says:

    My review is up!  https://plus.google.com/103566917412789057719/posts/eJkZEZCGQkg

  87. Mary C. says:

    Armageddon …. zee meteorite… eet has heet Paree! XD
    All so excellent! Laughing my lungs up here!

  88. matthew rappaport says:

    My META #rappafied  version is also up:

  89. Scott Cramer says:

    That is awesome +matthew rappaport !!! Love it!!! 🙂

  90. matthew rappaport says:

    Love you and yours .. but only when you are doin' that Phoebe Cates thing ;0

  91. Mar Mai says:

    I bust a GUT!!!!!! Armageddon is my FAVE!!!! How can you guys be so freaking awesome???? Your "center" is made of gorgeous FUN!!!!!!

  92. Scott Cramer says:

    Gooey fun. 😉

  93. Keith Cramer says:

    Mine is mint flavored.

  94. Thomas Price says:

    Awesome awesome job!

  95. Daphney Smith says:

    U is ugly

  96. Scott Cramer says:

    Well, the review is in.

  97. Mellie B says:

    such insight! such eloquence!

    such an asshole.

  98. Scott Cramer says:

    Well… I do make an utterly rubbish looking female, there is that. But I'm utterly rubbish in a delicate feelings kind of way. 😉 Anywho! S'all part of the giggles.

  99. matthew rappaport says:

    you and +Keith Cramer are super hawwwwt in drag ;9

  100. Keith Cramer says:

    I think you mean Ultra super hawwwwt.

  101. Scott Cramer says:

    Are you +Luis Roca posting +matthew rappaport and +Keith Cramer ?!?!

  102. Chad Haney says:

    No one can drunk post like +Luis Roca. OK, maybe +Andrew Clifton-Brown can.

  103. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Amen.  I am a menace when drunk online 🙂

  104. Luis Roca says:

    +Andrew Clifton-Brown posts the absolute best drunken rants.

    I don't think mine come close to that level of thought or keyboard mastery.

  105. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Psht!  We are separated at birth for drunk posts mate!

  106. Knut Torgersen says:

    I scared off the hottest girl ever the day after I took out separation from Wife V1.0 a decade ago. Drunk as a skunk.

  107. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    This is hilarious!! All eleven minutes of it. Sooo funny, I'm so glad someone made sure I watched it! As with a lot of people, Keith as Meg Ryan was a particular highlight, and the Paris Armageddon scene + blooper of it! Hahaha, sides ache from laughter!

  108. Scott Cramer says:

    Yay! Thanks +Yoon-Mi Kim 😉

  109. amit singh says:

    Tum bacho ge

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