Carl's Prison Blues – Song Parody

Play the video and sing the new lyrics! Just a little game I was playing last night with Miss +Mary C.  😉 

Zombie version of Johnny Cash's "Folsom Prison Blues"

I hear my dad a comin'
There's zombies at the fence
I want to help the grown-ups but they took my gun,
I'm stuck in Zombie prison, and time keeps draggin' on
The zombies keep on comin' pushin' the chain link down

When I was just a baby my mama told me, Son
Always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns
But I shot her in the prison post caesarian
Nobody wants a zombie Momma for their newborn kin

Sheriff Daddy he went crazy out chopping zombies down
Leaving Daryl and old Herschel to govern prison town
Well I know I had it coming, takin' my gun from me
But those people from Woodbury
Can't be trusted you see

Well they finally gave my gun back
With so many grown-ups whacked
Cuz we're dealing with infectious viral zombie attacks
I'd take my Dad and sister somewhere else to stay
But if they got infected I'd blow the two away

My first song to "Summertime Sadness":   
Mary's first song to "Peanut Butter Jelly Time":
Mary's second song to "I Love It":

#walkingdead #thewalkingdead #zombie #songparody #johnnycash #wherescarl  

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9 Responses to Carl's Prison Blues – Song Parody

  1. Jo Lane says:

    Nice work 😛

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    Thank you Miss +Jo Lane 😀
    Feel free to play along! I pick you for my team! Bwahaha! Take that +Mary C. 😉

  3. Mary C. says:

    Now that's a classic!!
    Oh oh oh… we can haz teams?!  Hmmm… +Yoon-Mi Kim +Yoon-Mi Kim +Yoon-Mi Kim you wanna play?!?!? •_• puppeh eyes

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kristi Fahlsing by default. By 'de 'fault that she still hangs with me! hehe Runs

  5. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Whatz da rulz, peeps

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    Umm… None? 😛

  7. Mary C. says:

    The one and only rule: Have Fun! 😀

  8. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    Yes! I wanna play if the only rule is to have fun 😀 😀
    Let's ROCK THIS THING +Mary C.! XD

  9. Mary C. says:

    Wahoo! highfives ROCKING til we DROP!! Haha

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