My Top Engagers for the Last 100 Posts – Who are Yours?

Thanks to EVERYONE mentioned and to EVERYONE who takes the time to visit my stream and spend any portion of their day with me. You are all terrific and make my experience here worthwhile and darn addictive!

Thanks +Lee Smallwood for the original post about how to do this (

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Top Commentors:
+Scott Cramer +Dirk Reul +Jo Lane +Halfdan Reschat +Sandy Berkshier +Kyla Myers +Mary C. +Mellie B +Salvio Giglio +Carrie Canup 

Top Reshares:
+Blaine Hall +Anglo Phony +Maria B-R +Giedrius Gerutavi?ius +Nicholas Sliter +matthew rappaport +Katie B. +Halfdan Reschat +Arek Zagorski +Stephanie Anderson 

+Kyla Myers +Maria B-R +Jo Lane +Mellie B +Yoon-Mi Kim +Sandy Berkshier +Dirk Reul +Kristi Fahlsing +Robert Partridge +Keith Cramer 

#nod3x #engagement?

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Google+ Top Engagers
Everyday we have less and less time but we’re expected to do more and more. Even the smallest of tasks can be the last straw when bundled together with other small tasks! Over the past few weeks we’ve been trying out differ…

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27 Responses to My Top Engagers for the Last 100 Posts – Who are Yours?

  1. Arek Zagorski says:

    Thanks +Scott Cramer Always a pleasure!

  2. Halfdan Reschat says:

    You got me. I comment on and reshare your posts – but I apparently do not +1 them as much.

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    Much prefer your commentary. 😀
    "I'm wearing a bonnet?" 😉

  4. Carrie Canup says:

    I find it interesting that I comment more than plus your stuff. runs of to check my stuff

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    It's the comment nomuendo with +Dirk Reul! ;-P

  6. Chris Mallory says:

    This is really cool; thanks for sharing Scott, no idea this existed. Just did it for my account, very interesting to look at.

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    You are quite welcome +Chris Mallory 😀

    I meant to share it a couple days ago but slid it into another tab until this morning.

  8. Carrie Canup says:

    What can I say, I enjoy torturing him.

  9. Jo Lane says:

    Woo Hoo, I made the official stalker list twice ;P

  10. Blaine Hall says:

    +Scott Cramer I wanted to be on the creeper list. Oh well, I'll try harder. LOL

  11. Dirk Reul says:

    I also notice you talk a lot to yourself on your posts 😛
    (I know it is just you commenting along, that is why this service is completely useless to me) It ranks my own comments too high when I actually talk to people on my posts.

  12. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Quite interesting.

    Hehe. Even with my busy times, I made a list! 🙂

  13. matthew rappaport says:

    I en en en gay joo 😉

  14. Lee Smallwood says:

    +Scott Cramer you're very welcome 🙂 and thanks for sharing.

    We've now enabled the function for you to embed your Google+ Top Engagers on any site… I'll be posting a post later today on how to do it 🙂

  15. Lee Smallwood says:

    +Dirk Reul We've left it purposefully to include all top commenters on a post as this directly affects out-degree centrality – which is an important indicator that identifies if a person engagers or not.

    When listing yourself as a top commenter it shows that you respond to people that are engaging on your posts. There are so many people that don't – as I'm sure you've experienced…

    Many of our users are using this metric alone to identify if they're engaging with people that are spending the time on their posts.

    We're adding the option, however, to exclude the originators profile from Top Engagers – so that you will have the choice 🙂

  16. Dirk Reul says:

    Oh I understand the underlying principle it makes perfect sense. Like you said, the data I create would require a filter or the ability to make my comments less important when looking at my own posts which is surely not the most common use case. 🙂

  17. Scott Cramer says:

    +Lee Smallwood Excellent on all counts. Any plans on going back more than 100 posts and/or making it a time frame instead?

  18. Maria B-R says:

    Woo! Thanks Scott!

  19. Lee Smallwood says:

    +Dirk Reul you're absolutely right… it's not the most common use… but for those that aren't as socially savvy it's proving to help …

    The filter is coming 😉

  20. Lee Smallwood says:

    +Scott Cramer yes there are plans to add a date selector range – inline with NOD3x's UI functions. 

    We schedule and prioritise our roadmap based on the number of people requesting. So the more people that want it the sooner it gets implemented 🙂

  21. Dirk Reul says:

    That is great news, +Lee Smallwood thank you 🙂

  22. Lee Smallwood says:

    +Dirk Reul my pleasure… We want to make NOD3x as useable as possible for people – hence it's critical to us that the great ideas and feedback we get from people like yourself that we're able to keep rolling out what's important

  23. Scott Cramer says:

    +Lee Smallwood Incredible work; the interface is well done and so many that can program fail on that level. I feel remiss in not stumbling upon you guys sooner. If there is a notify for new developments, sign me up. If there is anything I can do at a wordsmith level, sign me up.

    Unrelated question but I ask because you are present in this conversation and quite obviously knowledgeable in the Google api trenches. Any way via the api or other methods to capture user avatars and names for people in your circles and who have you circled? Working on a project idea.

  24. Lee Smallwood says:

    +Scott Cramer thanks so much Scott – believe me when I say how much I appreciate that. I'll add you to our early notifications circle.

    Re: capture used avatars and names – yes there are ways. I'm just heading into a meeting but I'll ping you later with a how to.

    Thanks again buddy

  25. Scott Cramer says:

    +Lee Smallwood Appreciate it… Google search keeps throwing up on me for this one. Also, am totally sincere in offering whatever humble talents I have to assist you.

  26. Anglo Phony says:

    I re-share the interesting stuff , stuff I think others may need to hear , Stuff with a high "gosh" factor.
    You do all the work,
     So my evident standing is all your fault 😛

  27. Scott Cramer says:

    +Anglo Phony It's a fair cop. 😉

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