Thanks to +Chris Brogan where I saw the below post shared, +Pamela Lukas for originally…

Thanks to +Chris Brogan where I saw the below post shared, +Pamela Lukas for originally sharing it, and Huffington Post for publishing the article.

I read all the comments on Chris' post and there are pros and cons from people as to what Jennifer did. As a father of an 11-year-old girl, I am all for it. Society at large needs to address bullies and there should be consequences to their actions. The girls doing the bullying put statements out in a public forum for all to see, including Jennifer. She called them out on it, and chose not to do business with them. Kudos to Jennifer. On just the business front, I think too many businesses cater to the lowest common denominator for fear of turning away any business. Should businesses discriminate, no. I would be up at arms against a business saying they did not want to photograph people of a certain color or race, or even political persuasion, or ex-cons. Bullying, however, is hate mongering; it falls into the same realm as the Klan or Neo Nazis. As a society I hope we can tell the difference between not accepting the purveyors of hate and violence, and not discriminating.

For me, Jennifer falls on the right side of the fence. I hope she keeps her head about her and stays grounded because I imagine she will be getting much more attention from this act before it's done and over. Oprah. The View. You get the point.

Read her blog. She seems down to earth. I would schedule my daughter to be photographed by her if she were in my area.

Link to the post on her blog about this topic. I recommend clicking her "home" button to read other posts to get a better picture of her and her business.

Reshared post from +Pamela Lukas

Good for her, I say!!
She was vetting her scheduled clients for their senior portraits, and in her search found that they were cyber bullying other girls on Facebook. She cancelled their appointments, AND sent along screen shots of the bullying to the parents as a reason why she cancelled.
"If you are ugly on the inside, I'm sorry but I won't take your photos to make you look pretty on the outside…"
Do you vet your clients?

Embedded Link

Jennifer McKendrick, Pennsylvania Photographer, Refuses To Photograph Teen Bullies
A Pennsylvania photographer has chosen not to photograph a group of high school girls for their senior portraits after she found evidence of the teens bullying other students on Facebook. Jennifer McK…

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