Twas the Night Before Halfdan Was Leaving Denmark – A Tale of Nigh Epic Proportion
+Halfdan Reschat and +Fluffy McSharkah Khan are due to leave Denmark for the United States on the 28th. To celebrate their departure, an epic tale was needed; complete with horned hat, fire, and a princess. Please sit back (crank up the audio because it's kind of low) and enjoy.
'Twas the night before Halfdan was leaving Denmark.
Not a creature was stirring; well except his pet shark.
Fluffy was hung on the wall with great care
Wondering if Halfdan would soon arrive there.
He'd been off all holiday visiting his kin;
Poor Fluffy all lonely in his cardboard shark skin.
He'd charged up his head mounted laser to full.
Being left all alone was a big bunch of bull.
He'd been sliced, he'd been cut, he'd been folded and taped.
He'd been made travel ready and left home misshaped.
Away to America he'd fly like a flash;
But into a suitcase he knew he'd be smashed.
Officially he'd not even been asked to go.
He would have said yes, but in first class you know.
He'd be tucked between underwear, was his big fear;
While Halfdan sat lounging in the cabin with beer.
Perhaps it was time for a dastardly trick
So when Halfdan came home, he had to act quick.
He set up a trap right over the door
With a pot held with rope anchored near on the floor.
"Night, Halfdan!" he cackled, as he fired and blitzed him.
But Halfdan dashed left then danced right and it missed him.
Fluffy fired again and it forced him to duck
Then he tucked and he rolled and exclaimed "What the GOODNESS GRACIOUS?"
"Give me your ticket, bone bag! You get in the case!"
"I'll fold your legs over shoulders and rump in your face!"
So up to the housetop their epic fight flew
Laser a'lazing and Danish curse words a'spewed.
"Fluffy, stop all this nonsense!" Halfdan said in a huff.
"You'll go in the case. Enough is enough!"
"It's not dignified! Back off or I'll be your worst foe."
"Give up little man. Have you not heard of Sharknado?"
"That's fiction. You're cardboard. I won't miss our plane."
"You've delusions of grandeur. You've gone quite insane!"
"What did you expect when you left me alone?"
"There was nothing to eat but delivery men I called on the phone."
Halfdan thought to himself, "That explains all the bones."
"I'd best clean them up before Danish C.S.I. sees my home."
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the skin on his head was as white as the snow.
The pin of a hand grenade he held in his teeth
The smoke of the battle circled his head like a wreath.
He pointed at Fluffy's broad face and round belly
That shook when he scowled like a bowl full of jelly(fish).
"You're chubby and plump, shark, I'll blow you to bits."
And he laughed when he said it, which caused his hand fits.
With a twitch of his eye and a twist of his head
Halfdan yelled, "Fluff, let's go, or we'll both soon be dead!"
Fluffy spoke not a word, but went straight to work
Blasting explosive with laser mumbling "Halfdan, you jerk."
And then the two, master and shark, called a truce;
Fluffy to go in the case and Halfdan to pack it with booze.
Halfdan sprang to the street, to a cab gave a whistle
And away to the airport they flew like a missile.
And Halfdan exclaimed, ere he drove out of sight
"Stupid shark! You've no passport! I hope you get lost on this flight!"
#halfdancomingtoamerica #twasthenight
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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.
slow clap this, Scott, was brilliant!
+Sherri G. get your butt over here.
The helmet is, as always, dedicated to the inimitable Viking Ninja Bunny +Mary C. (along with the Viking Donald Duck).
The princess is for +Halfdan Reschat's involvement in the Slave Princess Leia hangout I endured from a contest loss.
Which you enjoyed..
+Dirk Reul The memory is a warm one. 🙂 At the time… it was an interesting internal battle of cool shenanigans and social anxiety! lol
Yes, I understand why, Scott :p
But it was so much fun!
this. is . beyond. brilliant.
the bar. it is high.
or drained, as I suspect is really the case
This is amazing!
Now you have me trying to figure out what some Danish curse words are; usually the English curse words are simply used.
I'll hope you'll have the greatest of times.
Go Scandinavia!
I found this:
It however lacks the two common simple ones
Pis – Pee
Lort – Shit
+Charlie Hoover, some of these Danish curse words are hilariously outdated. It is fun to see them again after not hearing anyone use them for so long. A simple "fuck" is used for most situations where you need to curse in Denmark.
Fuck is universal… The word FUCK
The warm and glowing fireplace added a lovely ambient touch, while the soft toys on the shelf imbued the scene with magical sparks, as befitting a (fairy)tale of "nigh epic proportion"! =p
I fell asleep listening to this last night.
Ahhh!! I missed all the fun!! I was sleeping 🙁 Damn time zones. ::grumble grumble:: But it is AMAZING!! Well done +Scott Cramer
Thank you all. And… I put +Sandy Berkshier to sleep? Ruh roh… Unsure what subconscious commands might be in there!
Yay!!! This is awesome!! XD
What the… goodness gracious! Hehehehhee
Delivery men I called on the phone!!
ROFL!!!! Brilliant!
Bows +Scott Cramer in Viking Bunny Ninja style
+Mary C. Can you demonstrate Viking Bunny Ninja Style?
Of course +Sandy Berkshier! ^_^
Beginning with look of amazement at le awesomeness:
I bow to the awesomeness
~( _ _ )~ Ahhhsooooooo
And there it is! 😉
Ah! Thank you for enlightening me. 😀
My pleasure, +Sandy Berkshier! 🙂
Bow! Thank you! {blush}
I am truly the stuff of epic legends.
Pure brilliance 😀
More blushing. 😛
This is awesome 🙂 Stop wasting time blushing and more writing!
Thanks +Yoon-Mi Kim 😀