Because the ladies were so kind as to give me pictures… 🙂 Even though, apparently a camera rarely works on +Nikki C unless she is sideways, mustached, or holding a mug! Her and her riding mates +Brigitte W. and +Kyla Myers rock this out!
Thanks for the video making fun! Blocked out of country. hehe… 😉
Original advert video from +Andrew Clifton-Brown is a must watch! Super cute!
Three – #SingItKitty – cat advert
See Andrew, +Dirk Reul, and +Stephanie Dreyfürst ride:
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Awesome! Something so uplifting this early of the morning. Hehe.
I kind of imagine this is how they would be in real life. 🙂
As +Mz Maau would say…indubitably! 🙂
Wow. Those are some talented and lovely ladies.
Soooooo much fun in this!
Thank you, +Scott Cramer. That's the best I've ever ridden a bike!
And you have magic powers! O_o
I see how you slipped this in while I was tied up with the cake show…
Wha?! +Kyla Myers I'd never…..
Ah man that is a thing to wake up too! Â I have to say, I'm looking good on that bike!
Such a delightful thing to witness at 06:06am!
Thanks ever so much +Scott Cramer ?
+Kyla Myers theheheeee
They do it  much better than Andrew and I, of course
The women know how to ride, +Dirk Reul.
#theimportanceofthecomma  😉
Indeed it does and you did not even have to edit your comment :p
I can't wait to show my dh tonight!
My secret crime fighting will be exposed~