Addicted to T-Shirts

This morning: Decisions… decisions…

Different t-shirt every day. Same jeans every day. It's a 63:2 ratio. 😉

Tip of the hat to the t-shirt queen +Michelle C!
Addicted to T-Shirts

This morning: Decisions… decisions…

Different t-shirt every day. Same jeans every day. It’s a 63:2 ratio. 😉

Tip of the hat to the t-shirt queen +Michelle C!

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34 Responses to Addicted to T-Shirts

  1. Wanda Howe says:

    So, your life is practically an episode of Gilligan's Island. 

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    +Wanda Howe In so many ways, +Wanda Howe, in so many ways. 😉

    More colors though… and I have a Viking helmet with bunny ears.

  3. Michelle C says:

    Thank you kindly. And technically Gillian and professor just had the one shirt.

  4. Dirk Reul says:

    We all know that +Michelle C is working on ruling the world of shirts 😉

  5. Michelle C says:

    My superpower is 90% 10% spandex +Dirk Reul

  6. Dirk Reul says:

    I thought it was beer and waffles?

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    I'm absolutely ashamed my hangers aren't color coordinated by shirt genre. Sigh.

  8. Dirk Reul says:

    We were trying to be discreet >_>

  9. Nikki C says:

    Oh my! I'd forgive lack of colour coordination of hanger v T-shirt, you're male after all.

    If the smiley isn't a tattoo, it should be ????

  10. Michelle C says:

    Mine are all white hangers, facing the same direction, separated by type of clothing and color (dark to light) because, dear gawd somebody help me. +Scott Cramer

  11. Melanie Mills says:

    Raids your closet for the Vader /cookies tee…….finds a trekkie sex toy oooo you are kinky….

  12. Wanda Howe says:

    Yes, it's so important to be accurate about such a reference on the internet +Michelle C. Thank you for correcting me, that's how I learn. (Family Guy, I think? I will just wait here until -Michelle?- someone corrects me).  😛 😀 

  13. Scott Cramer says:

    +Dirk Reul Sigh.

    +Nikki C Totally is. 😉

    +Michelle C Who would sponsor us in a support group?!

    +Melanie Mills That's a Tribble, perv.

    +Wanda Howe He he he… Back to Google 101, do not pass Go, do not collect 200 plusses. 😉

  14. Wanda Howe says:

    Lol +Scott Cramer , I have always said I am the queen of malapropisms, but I don't think pop culture reference count. I need to come up with another term . . . for another thing I am not good at. lol 

  15. Nikki C says:

    Haahaa, excellent!

  16. Galen Hussey says:

    bestows points upon +Wanda Howe for proper use of malapropism

  17. Wanda Howe says:

    Thank you kindly +Galen Hussey , but I would much rather have gotten the Gilligan's Island thing correct. sigh Priorities. 😀

  18. Patty Rose says:

    My bf has a stupid amount of t-shirts +Scott Cramer. Not only are the hangers not colour coated, but they're empty as the shirts live in his laundry basket (with another on top when clean to keep kittys from coating them with fur).

  19. Galen Hussey says:

    My wife and I eventually gave up on hanging things properly.  We built a dresser with a bunch of sliding wire bins in it, and now we just fold stuff and dump it in those 😀

  20. CK Feisal says:

    Maybe this can help you, +Scott Cramer

  21. Scott Cramer says:

    +CK Feisal Totally want to do the quilt thing! Spot on!!!

  22. CK Feisal says:

    Are you going to attempt to do the quilting yourself or are you sending your tees to get them quilted? If you are doing the latter, I would like to see the ransom photo of your finished quilt (see no. 7 – unless ransom means something else in quilting, heh).

  23. Scott Cramer says:

    Hm. I could learn quilting. However……… not going to happen for some time! I still have to retire many more shirts!

  24. Sean Heffernan says:

    Personally, my ridiculously large stockpile of t-shirts is folded vs hangered.

  25. Scott Cramer says:

    I'm a terrible folder. Plus all my drawers are like an apothecary chest size….. 😉

  26. Sean Heffernan says:

    I'm a bit of a hoarder when it comes to t-shirts, shirts and sweaters. I'd need 3 closets if I hung everything. lol

  27. Scott Cramer says:

    +Sean Heffernan Moving from place to place I had to light up the load a bit. Now… hahaha… 😉

  28. Melanie Mills says:

    +Scott Cramer you can give some to me…not sure they'd fit but I'll stretch them out!

  29. Michelle C says:

    +Sean Heffernan is now circled!

  30. Sean Heffernan says:

    Reciprocated +Michelle C

  31. CK Feisal says:

    I am glad I am in the company of hoarders. Psst. +Sean Heffernan, I'd need 4 closets! 😀

  32. Sean Cowen says:

    Looks like +Blaine Hall deciding every day. I have maybe four shirts. 🙁

  33. Scott Cramer says:

    +Sean Cowen Somewhere between us is a happy and sane medium. Lol 😉

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