If Male Superhero Costumes Were Designed Like Female Superhero Costumes

This young lady does a great send-up of how the industry treats male vs. female superhero costumes. 🙂

From the link:
Aaaaa I dunno. I got tired of guys having no idea why girls find female superhero’s costumes kinda sexist, so I, um, made this?

My main goals were: 1) Make it so the first thing you think of when you look at them is sex, whether you want to or not. 2) make it so that any male human who looks at this feels really uncomfortable. 3) make it funny, because, well, it’s kinda hilarious really.


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17 Responses to If Male Superhero Costumes Were Designed Like Female Superhero Costumes

  1. ravissary79 says:

    And this is why they need to update wonder woman's look. Jim Lee tried and the fans screamed for her to go pantsless again… sigh

  2. Sam Gilley says:

    Female superheros are antisexist… they are portrayed as physically superior to men. That's enough fantasy right there.

  3. Martin Nutbeem says:

    Anyone else aroused?

    I've gone too far haven't I?

  4. Rob Marshall says:

    Oh yes

  5. Mike Kuwik says:

    I've never seen a bare chested female superhero though…

  6. Jake Kern says:

    For many of the heroes, clothing is irrelevant. They are invulnerable, after all. The reimagined Supreme had Power Princess naked for several issues, and she chose to put on clothes. It's an example of why I've always thought of Wonder Woman's costume as distraction. She certainly doesn't need armor.

    For the painted spandex, not much difference between Spider-Man & Spider Woman. I guess my point is that it's all absurd when you think too hard about it.

  7. Jake Kern says:

    And that image of Captain America is hot! xD

  8. Mike Kuwik says:

    I'm goin with spidey cuz I'm a fan of tall socks…on a lady…I'm so confused.

  9. Hermine Ngnomire says:


  10. Rob Marshall says:

    Super mans ass tho

  11. Alex L. says:

    Women are sexier than men are. Case closed.

  12. Sean Heffernan says:

    +Jennifer Bonito pls confirm

  13. Jennifer Bonito says:

    I plussed this this morning.Although, I am quite certain Bats dresses up like this in his spare time,ijs

  14. Salvador Melo says:

    Just remember, every single 'fashion' item women wear was at one point male attire. As to the lack of clothing on supers, I would like to point to the woad warriors of ancient times. These people actually went to battle wearing paint…only paint….

  15. Sherri G. says:

    Awesome. I think you should dress up like that superman for halloween

  16. Justin King says:

    Wait…are we implying the men's outfits aren't painted on? Does this critic even read comics? I know I can clearly see every every "does that muscle actually exist" in Every panel.

    And Todd McFarland has clearly established that spiderman has no spine.

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