Shoot First by The Jim Jones Revue

Best musical find of the week (month?) for me! Loving the whole album.

Thanks +Caroline Evebetty for the post and introduction.

Reshared post from +Caroline Evebetty

in my top5 chart of the best live band ever of those 5 past years

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6 Responses to Shoot First by The Jim Jones Revue

  1. Caroline Evebetty says:

    did someone told you you were looking great in santa claus ? :))

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    +Caroline Evebetty Ho ho ho! I feel the urge to say, "Come sit on my lap!" Ha, just kidding. Every year that goes by, I try to look less like Santa. It's a cruel trick of entropy. 😉

  3. Caroline Evebetty says:


  4. Scott Cramer says:

    Uh-oh +Caroline Evebetty did not mean to cause choking at dinner!!! What are we choking on?

  5. Caroline Evebetty says:

    no I'm ok don't worry 😀 I was juste drinking a delighting apple juice :)) I'm not dead yet :))) ;P

  6. Caroline Evebetty says:

    (what a joke if santa clause would cause ladies death ! ahah)

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