Unlocked Brother's House = Time for Mischief

So, my brother +Keith Cramer conveniently left his house unlocked and nobody was home. Well, so far they've found the kitchen cabinets I swapped, the forks (all of them) that I took and hid, the cereal bags/boxes that I swapped, the banana in the Christmas tree, and the potato in the pretzels. Guess that only leaves one more thing which I can't mention because he's lurking about here somewhere… πŸ˜‰

Banana in the tree: The link to his post is attached.

Potato in the pretzel jar (his post):

I'm a hoot on April 1st. πŸ˜‰ Too bad our honorary brother +Carter Gibson doesn't live closer…

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Keith Cramer – Google+ – +Scott Cramer Thanks for hiding a banana in my Christmas…
+Scott Cramer Thanks for hiding a banana in my Christmas tree.

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27 Responses to Unlocked Brother's House = Time for Mischief

  1. Keith Cramer says:

    I think paranoia is the last thing.

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    Oh yeah, that would be TWO more things! πŸ˜‰

  3. Kaydie Wells says:

    I'm jealous you found an unlocked house! I'm going to choose to live vicariously through your mischief. ^_^

  4. Caroline Evebetty says:

    +Keith Cramer : bravo !

  5. Keith Cramer says:

    +Kaydie Wells Please please, no further encouragement!

  6. Jennifer Mandarino says:


  7. Kaydie Wells says:

    +Keith Cramer You should be so lucky that a prank from him is as harmless as this. I've had many pulled on me that were much worse! And you know, this leaves him open for you to retaliate!

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kaydie Wells Shhhhh!!!! πŸ˜‰

  9. Kaydie Wells says:

    Diet coke bath? Still considered harmless in my book. A bit sticky, but harmless. : )

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    Hm. +Kaydie Wells We should talk shop. πŸ˜‰

  11. Jennifer Mandarino says:

    oh the pranks are endless…i guess that's why i love BAM….glad they don't get hurt though….lmao watching those crazy pranks….lol…miss the purple jet

  12. Jennifer Mandarino says:

    I'd be Bam's neighbor in a heartbeat, invite April over and us girls, Missy too if she's in, and we can go APE on the guys……watch out…hehehehehehe…..you thought you were creative. The difference is we won't physically hurt you in our pranks but they would be good…..never hurt to dream 'ey….Westchester, PA….now there's a thought.lol

  13. Keith Cramer says:

    +Kaydie Wells haha. I'll give you that. Most are on the side of harmless! Let's keep it that way. πŸ™‚

  14. Jennifer Mandarino says:

    and we will drive a pink, purple and yellow ferraris! so theree!

  15. Allen Simpson says:

    Well done …this is hilarious we used to do this kind of thing to friends all the time …much more clever then plastic wrapping everything.

  16. Scott Cramer says:

    +Allen Simpson I remember in college my roommate and I went to visit the guys in the apartment upstairs from us and one guy was home but yelled that he was in the shower. We went in and took some rope and tied the bathroom door knob to the bedroom door knob down the hall. Then we killed the power and slid a butter knife under the bathroom door. πŸ˜‰ Silly college.

  17. Allen Simpson says:

    While a friend of mine was in the shower we duct taped a can of shaving creme to the door frame at face level….placed a pin in the spray nozzle ….taped the button down, tied a string from the pin to the door knob and left….when he came out the pin was pulled from the nozzle and covered him in shaving creme…including in his eyes. He came down to the lounge area after taking another shower and sporting irritated blood shot eyes….like the old saying goes " its all fun and games until someone loses an eye….then its freaking histerical"

  18. Scott Cramer says:

    +Allen Simpson Awesome. πŸ™‚

  19. Allen Simpson says:

    He did vicariously get revenge a few months later when durring a paint ball game i foolishly removed my goggles(they were covered in mud after tumbling down a muddy hill into the creek) i had the shot and as i sighted on the enemy. Shaving creme guys brother also had a bead on me…fired and hit me in the right eye causing a crazy amount of pain and permenantly detatching part of my retina.

  20. Jennifer Mandarino says:

    we can start a good fun practical prankster page….probably exists,,,but I'm in if there isn't……oh so creative…toooo many good ones to share with perspective prankster victims….i just suggest taking a rain coat and umbrella and some nose plugs with you if you know what I mean….you know who…hehehehehehe

  21. Scott Cramer says:

    +Allen Simpson Dude, bad Karma!

    +Jennifer Mandarino Hehe, +Keith Cramer perhaps?

  22. Keith Cramer says:

    +Allen Simpson ouch, the "until someone loses an eye" has very real significance for you!

  23. Allen Simpson says:

    I know right i still give the guy crap when ever i run into him and he still feels super bad about it …but really it was more my fault than his…its just a good thing i look good in glasses…and only having one bad eye gives me the opportunaty to wear a monocle from time to time.

  24. Scott Cramer says:

    Which is quite sporty looking πŸ˜‰

  25. Jennifer Mandarino says:

    ouch allen…glad you still have another one.

  26. Allen Simpson says:

    Me too it's not so bad now. My brain has learned to compensate for the blind spots caused by the scar tissue. The letter and words would in a book or paper would shift in a funny way bit now my brain just re-orders them in the correct places ….sometimes when im stressed or tired i notice it but not as often as before.

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