Thanks +Penny Roberts for the post! 😉
Reshared post from +Penny Roberts
Yo Homies!
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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.
Thanks +Penny Roberts for the post! 😉
Reshared post from +Penny Roberts
Yo Homies!
Google+: View post on Google+
Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.
Infinite Diversity, Infinite Combinations, yo!
+Jeremy Seifert It's the "Yo!" that makes it. 😉
Delta Quadraaaaaaant! Yo' represent!
+Jim Gomes Yo mamma is so illogical she only takes pi to ten decimal places. Oh yeah, feel the burn.
Yo mamma so illogical, she think pi are round. Cornbread are square.
Yo mamma so illogical she think you cute.
Almost bought this shirt the other day..
+Scott Cramer yo mamma so illogical 'cuz she human!
+Jim Gomes +Scott Cramer
I'm hurt…and pouting
Thanks for liking it enough to share. LOL Represent!
Was away from the computer for a bit… but thought I felt my logic burning! Sorry +Jim Gomes and +KarlaSue Dugger! My momma was human and thought I was cute! I been burned like a shot of Romulan Ale on a flying jelly parasite wound! Geek Word!
Thanks for noticin'. 🙂
And it's ok that you have a life outside of G+. Lol
Sometimes! But I always feel the siren call to check my notifications….. +KarlaSue Dugger 😉
That's so descriptive +Scott Cramer …I keep reading it…over and over.
Ah… for descriptive, see the post about being buried in condiments. Think I might choose the flying jelly parasite next time! lol 😉
Was jelly parasite one of the condiments?
+Aldric Newberry Unsure of anything after the hot sauce!