Hat 2

Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle had foggy glasses?


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6 Responses to Hat 2

  1. Jesús Segura says:

    Haha that joke was terrrrible but totally worth the punchline

  2. Dolidh Young says:

    Or stick on a couple green ears and be Shrek!

  3. Eric W. Johnson says:

    Lmao @ Walmartello

  4. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    hahaha…that's funny +Dolidh Young !

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    Hm… +Dolidh Young I might have to hit Photoshop later. Hm… Fiona = +Kristi Fahlsing hehe

  6. Basil Doeringsfeld says:

    My dog #derbythemaltipoo with glasses?

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