Catwoman by Brian Kesinger

This is one of the Tea Girls series by Brian Kesinger. I absolutely love his work. Check him out. 😉

Tea Girls website:

I originally found Brian here:

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9 Responses to Catwoman by Brian Kesinger

  1. Scott Cramer says:

    Tag +Mz Maau +Mary C. 

  2. Andrej Stepanov says:


  3. Laurence Roberts says:

    Im a fan of Catwoman , but i really don;t like this which is odd . From a narrative to many bits to get caught on while burgularing , and steam punk herionies wear well… clothes ?? (Girl Genius !!!) . It's well drawn but the subjects a bit dull and been done tomany times 🙁

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    +Laurence Roberts I like it, but I did think the tea staining on this image was a bit much. The bit right behind the small of her back I think would have been better suited to stay white, which would have provided a lot more contrast to her figure against the background. When I first saw it, I got confused at a quick glance where her skin tones ended which made her look much bigger in her, how shall I say, girth. 😉

  5. Laurence Roberts says:

    Lol yes . It's art so down to the viewer 😉

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    If you take a look at Kesinger's other work, you will probably find other images to your liking. The first one I ever picked up on was a playful Star Wars graphic done in a crisp cartoon style.

    From there, I found this image that I really liked:

  7. Laurence Roberts says:

    Yup ive seen some of his stuff before , and i liked what else was on that site . I  like the style just not that picture 😉

  8. John Kampsen says:

    Thanks for the heads up +Scott Cramer .

  9. Mary C. says:

    I do so love this piece!!!! <3 <3 

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