I have fallen so far behind in +Aldric Newberry's #werdgame ! If you have not played before, check it out! Good clean fun. 😉
Reshared post from +Aldric Newberry
It's time for #Werdgame everyone!
Fridays as of late haven't held much more value for me than any other day, but I still enjoy doing this post..
For those of you that are new and would like to play, ask in the comments on this post or search the hashtag Werdgame..
Today's theme, THE SMITHSONIAN!!
It's 166 years old today!
Here are today's letters and the picture..
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I missed the last couple of weeks. I hope to return this Thursday.
Ah, I just return to whatever game I find! Bwahaha! Shakes it up a bit.
So, what are the rules?
Word per letter. Better if the result goes with the theme. Try to outdo +Bill Abrams. 😉
Minimal rules for Aldric's pretty good teaser.
He's the rainman of #werdgame .
Ahh. Ok.
+Scott Cramer FTP(rofile)!
"for the profile" I added your comment to "Other names" on my profile.
Probably should have commented "rainman FTP"  Sometimes I comment half in my head and the rest in the little box. 🙂
Awesome 🙂
+Scott Cramer My wife is not so sure, but I like it.