I fight between saying, "I want to believe" and "It's dead, Jim."
Do they have anything to say or do they just want a paycheck?
<Blasphemy> How about a comedy recasting with Wil Ferrell and Tina Fey? Now I'm intrigued… </Blasphemy>
Gillian Anderson: 'X-Files 3' Movie Is 'Looking Pretty Good': via HuffPost http://huff.to/QKxeec
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Good News For 'X-Files' Fans?
It looks like fans of "The X-Files" might get that third movie after all.
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Do a "Fringe" movie before another X Files movie. And make sure Anna Torv is nekked in it. Just sayin.
Good news for X-Files fans would be the long awaited Blu-ray release of the X-Files series and not another crappy movie. This I say despite the fact that I, myself, am not an X-Files fan.
Depends on the team behind it before I say yes or no.
George Lucas.
With JarJar Binks taking Duchovney's role.
+James Hamel, no! goo.gl/5fCh0
It's flat lined. They need to let it go.
That's just because I'm assuming it will suck.
safe assumption
X-Files-Men Origins: Mulderine
Fringe vs X-Files could make a good movie. Olivia would bitch slap Scully right into AARP.
+Lars Fosdal and +James Barraford tie FTW!
Extra plusses for the line of blasphemy.
^^ agreed.
A new movie could be good, although the others were cack. To be truly successful, they need to get back to the quality of the first few seasons before it got lost in that excessive conspiracy junk.
+Richard Wade Agreed. The conspiracy took over the show and they lost the vibe that made it awesome.
Don't forget what an awesome job they did with millennium!