Absolutely love this mash-up of movies. You ever have one of those moments where you just can't believe you didn't already think of it yourself?! Love the look on Lando's face with the new context. Priceless!
Thanks for posting +matthew rappaport!
Reshared post from +matthew rappaport
The #truth about movies . . and how one influences another . . in this ya know FRIDAY +Movie Mashup Tuesday
#asyouwishDarth Vader – As You Wish
As You Wish
Boba Fett "As you wish"
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I can never Star Wars again. XD
The Princess Bride is still not ruined for me 😛
no… Pricess Bride is fine.
Star Wars is undying.. I cannot..
I hate you Boba Fett!
He Knows
+Mic Mell after the prequels and constant editikng of the originals, I'm not sure how anyone can
Ha hahaha! Good one!
This one is better: snatch wars (snatch vs stars wars)
Though Snatch Wars sounds like it would be NSFW
Quite. But very funny.