Hmm… +Halfdan Reschat, I nominate +Mellie B for henchfolk points. This heist has her signature all over it; fuel for her Canadian #dropbear army!
Reshared post from +ed chism
a sticky crime
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Police probing Quebec maple syrup heist worth up to $30-million
The Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers found empty barrels at the St-Louis-de-Blandford warehouse, where syrup is temporarily being held
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Now I just wonder if +Mellie B is selling the syrup or if she has something even more evil planned.
I think we are unable to fully grasp the magnitude of her empire… just saying..
Anyone who has ever tasted the liquid gold they make in Quebec knows it's probably worth more that $30 million.
sigh — maple syrup pie. 🙂
I hear she saved several dozen gallons for her waterbed… hmm.
Interesting … Mhhhh
Slo mo……. wavessss….
The scent o maple syrup in the air…
Could it be that we spent too much time thinkin about that image?
If her waterbed pops (no comment) I hear it's like floating on the dead sea.
+Dirk Reul Really? 😉
But the drop bears would go nuts with all the maple syrup
+Scott Cramer nawwwwwww :p
I hear their tongues are scratchy. +Mellie B?
All this talk about and to +Mellie B, and she's not even here to experience it.
Now you've entered dangerous ground :p
+Dirk Reul Umm… is that a euphemism?
needs to be really careful now
I think when we talk about Mellie's hands, non it's not. That's what I meant of course <_<
XD omg you guys.
I give a discount on hot maple syrup to friends so commence sucking upwhy on earth would I steal maple syrup??
I assume it's a really complicated plan
Or, you really really like maple syrup
I protest. Considering +Dirk Reul just posted a MAPLE bacon ice cream, I think we know who the real culprit is! So not nice to pin this on poor, +Mellie B with the evidence in plain site!
I made it because +Mellie B made me do it using her uncanny powers of pretty eyes and stuff!
+Kyla Myers, but how did +Mellie B get the syrup to Germany this fast?
See? +Halfdan Reschat is using logic. Hah!
Methinks Dirk doth protest too much. Obviously he bypassed the US customs. I suggest he rode Fluffy Mac out of Canada. Check Fluffy's teeth for bacon bit or…schnitzel.
+Dirk Reul, no evil Overlord empire without using logic from time to time.
+Halfdan Reschat Kudos for that!
+Kyla Myers I have people doing things for me, for food <_<
So I've heard, Dirk. You're not helping your case, you know….
uhm I mean.. when I have people doing things for me for food.. who knows what Mellie can make people do? Have you thought about that?
Nice try….it's not working.
I wonder when this became about me..
When you posted a MAPLE bacon ice cream recipe with the stolen goods, that's when! 🙂
But but.. +Mellie B wanted it and I did it for her..
+Dirk Reul, that won't help you in court.
I am sure if we can get her to flutter her eyelashes at the judge, justice will be served because that is really hard to resist <_<
Worm holes.
I would go for Portal Guns 😛
Lmao 🙂
Go Kyla!!
winks at Dirk
See everyone? I had not chance at all at resisting +Mellie B ! Btw, that does not mean that I had anything to do with the heist..
Tee hee!