Why Doug Savage is Genius

This is an overflow post from Valentine's Day but it is universally worthy of appreciation for all other days. Yes, universally; if there are aliens out there, they can learn a lot about love from our humor.

Okay, so to the point, why +Doug Savage is genius.
(1) Aside from the fact he draws chickens on post-it pads, which is inherently funny before you even get to content, he boils down life concepts into tiny bite-sized digestible pieces. Look at the attached cartoon. No words but we understand love creeping up on us, growing, overwhelming us, and eventually making us completely dumbstruck.
(2) For the cynical among us, because a genius comic caters to all the emotionally diverse and psychotic among us, this comic illustrates that when love creeps up on you, kill it quick before it multiples ten-fold like an infestation and turns you into a pod person.
(3) Doug's love-struck chicken is one scar short of a zombie-chicken. Zombies are popular. I see what you did there Doug.
(4) Have you ever tried to draw facial expressions on an animal without lips? I mean, c'mon! Genius.

Thanks +Doug Savage for the wonder. Stay ingenious, my friend. To get the full effect, repeat that back out loud in the Dos Equis "Stay Thirsty" voice. You're a genius so I know you'll understand that.

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5 Responses to Why Doug Savage is Genius

  1. jef biot says:

    <3 savage chickens ;-))

  2. Mellie B says:

    love this.

  3. Clint Fudge says:


  4. Dryade Geo says:

    He is really fab <3

  5. Doug Savage says:

    Thanks Scott! Wow you've said so many nice things here – thank you! Glad you liked this one. And yes you're right – it can be tricky to convey emotions with nothing but googly eyes and a beak. It's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it! 🙂

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