Happy Pi Day!

3.14CHERRY Done.

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13 Responses to Happy Pi Day!

  1. Michael Lamerique says:

    Happy pi day

  2. Eddie Yasi says:

    A friend and I made a point of memorizing it out a ways back in high school.  3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716


  3. Charlie Gartland Cook says:

    I'm firmly in the 'Most People' category however I am tempted to learn more numbers so I can be in the 'Dork' category 😀 hahaha

  4. Alexander Hristov says:

    By just 3 digits but I am in the dork zone.

  5. Steven Wang says:

    Is 263 in the dork zone? I didn't even reach the legendary 762 or even 314!

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    I celebrate July 22. 😉

  7. Madeline Muñoz-Bustamante says:

    Thanks to the March 14 '15 9:26:53 thing someone taught me on here I'm good enough for scientists

  8. Peyton Epperson says:

    Here I go: (No cheating)

  9. Jim Gomes says:

    I divide by pi, but I always forget to carry the e.

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jim Gomes Har har har 😉

  11. Eddie Yasi says:

    +Peyton Epperson Hello fellow super-dork!!!  😀

  12. Allen Simpson says:

    Its also a palindrome day

  13. Peyton Epperson says:

    Hi! I feel loved! No really…. I do. I really like math.  +Eddie Yasi

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