I ran across this quote the other day and it has really stuck with me.
sonder n. The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own — populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries, and inherited craziness — an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you'll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.
Because of the interactions here on G+, there are so many of you who are not just random passersby or forever unknown to me. Maybe we will still never be more than blips in each other's streams, partners in silly conversations, or brief hangout buddies. Or, maybe we will become lifelong friends as I know to be true of some of you already. Maybe we will meet in real life, as has also already happened for me and I plan to meet others as soon as we are able. If G+ were to disappear tomorrow, I would be sad to lose out on friendships still being cultivated and the potential for more that I have not even started. If the people I have become close with through this medium were to disappear, it would be a loss akin to a meteor strike at my family reunion. Things would never be the same. Thank you to all of you for enriching my time not just online, but on this planet.
Credits: I ran across the image containing the quote searching for something else entirely; I do not remember what but it was probably something to use in a Photoshop mash-up to punk +Dirk Reul in a #gplususermashup . 😉 From what I can tell, the quote comes from The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows.
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You should totally start up a group Pinterest board for ideas to mash up with Dirk.That is totally sweet. I'm glad we've met, +Scott Cramer.So very lovely… and I feel the same
How's is it that you can so often render me speechless?
Great! dear +Scott Cramer
Words have power my friend!
<manly bro-fist>
The bromance continues….also….really great idea!
that was so beautifully said! and true for me too.
That's what I want to do. It just seems so difficult to start up friendships that stick. I've felt like a spoke on a lot of wheels lately.
When I saw the mention in my email notifications this morning a slight sense of dread/glee overcame me. Then I went and saw that is was Scott, being his usual amazing self. Thank you for being you.
" If G+ were to disappear tomorrow, I would be sad to lose out on friendships still being cultivated and the potential for more that I have not even started."
awwww – so true
such great words +Scott Cramer
^ If G+ was to close down, I would err collect all the emails of friends and start an email list….. sheesh that doesn't sound right. Scary.
+J Wesley Edwards Stick around this bunch (in a respectful non stalker non troll non scary way) and you'll be on the right path! 😉
+The Final Colony – Author Lacerant Plainer Not scary! Kind of early 90's. 😉 Sign me up! Hehe
I'm sorry, who are you again? ;P (luvs you really <3)
I will never look at a Chihuahua the same again. I always smile, and think of you.
Namaste my friend.
+J. Hancock Sooooo out of context! Lol
Scott, you always have the best posts
+Jake Marquart Thanks, man! When we doing lunch? 🙂
+Scott Cramer +Keith Cramer Name the time! (just not next tuesday….)
Aw man… I was just gonna say that! 😉