"Sharks with frickin' lasers" makes up for the inclusion of "lolcats". Also, I had my parents trained to never mess with the action figures and graphic novels. They also wussed out under the dating section 😉
I also see my brain as being more sparkly after interacting with +Mz Maau this past year. It's kind of like sparkly brain cooties.
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Here to spread the sparkle, mang.
I knew I'd catch you with a tag eventually. 😉
What, have I been missing tags? Most of the ones I've found not making it to notifications have been PMs.
Seems legit
Hm. One or two maybe… just me being me.
If I didn't plus the tag, I missed it. If I plussed but didn't otherwise respond, I lacked the system resources to do anything with it.
I will try to remember to look once home.
Hmm not quite up to date but lots of matches
No worries. Sometimes a man just needs some Maau. 😉
There is a different Dirk version with "pron" and "noms" categories. 😉
Good! Ooh personal versions >_>
I disagree.
Well, okay then.
Every time I see things like this it makes me feel like I'm not geek enough
<— Not a geek.
+Chris Mallory You're in. No worries, mate. +Mary C. for corroboration!
+Mz Maau … O.o
There's even a song about it!
Not A Geek
Scott had a brain fart +Mz Maau! Seriously… epic… song… of epicness! <3 <3 <3
This brain geek chart… I'd have to switch it to Mac-PC-Commodore 64-PC-Mac 😀
Chris…. is… geeky… -ish a bit? <_<
The fact that he has a willingness to learn/understand more geeky things makes him a-ok in the geek halls of geekdom!