I ran across one blog's list of "most rewatchable" movies the other day. I know there are a million of these lists but it provides a starting point for this post.
For me, I agree with most of them and, embarrassingly, have not seen a few of them! Off the top of my head, I'd add True Romance, Aliens, Hangover, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, Napolean Dynamite, and Elf. I have to keep reminding myself this is "REWATCHABLE" not just favorite. There are quite a few favorite movies that I would not want to put on over and over and over.
I know I'm going to kick myself for ones I did not immediately think of as soon as you guys suggest a few others. I also starred the ones that I think are completely untouchable. 😉
30. Can’t Hardly Wait
29. Mean Girls
28. Grosse Point Blank
27. Ocean’s 11
26. Clueless
25. The Wedding Singer
24. Caddyshack
23. Empire Records
22. Galaxy Quest
21. Dodgeball
* 20. Star Wars
19. There’s Something About Mary
18. Big Trouble in Little China
17. Anchorman
16. The Incredibles
15. Stand By Me
14. Dirty Dancing
* 13. Groundhog Day
12. Happy Gilmore
11. Tommy Boy
10. Shaun of the Dead
* 9. The Breakfast Club
8. The Big Lebowski
* 7. Raiders of the Lost Ark
* 6. Office Space
* 5. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
4. Back to the Future
3. Ghostbusters
* 2. Die Hard
* 1. The Princess Bride
Edit: The picture on the post doesn't match the above list. I just grabbed something representative from Google Images.
Links to clips of all the above at the original blog post here: http://www.pajiba.com/guides/the-30-most-rewatchable-movies-of-the-modern-era.php
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thanks for reminding me I need to see darjeeling limited still +Scott Cramer
Seen most of these
none of these for me 🙂
+steph wanamaker That's one I also still have not seen. 🙂
I still need to watch Darjeeling Ltd.
Also, Amelie is fantastic and always worth watching. So beautiful and I see new things each time.
+Erin Davila-Onu Wow! Some of these are iconic across most demographics. What would be on your list?
same with edward scissorhands and garden state +Matt Ingrouille
not a fan of donnie darko but rest are spot on
I still think The Replacements is in my top 5…
Despite Keanu.
Probably worth noting that the picture on this post doesn't match the list within the post. I just grabbed a pic from Google Images that had some other suggestions.
I can add a couple..
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
The Goonies
Pretty Woman
A Christmas Story
Christmas Vacation
The Matrix
Goonies definitely +Thomas Price.
What is it about Princess Bride that makes it so unique? The game of wits over a shot of iocane powder?
Where is pulp fiction??
+Thomas Price I'd add the ones you listed w/o a doubt
Nice add +Thomas Price! I said I'd kick myself for forgetting some good ones that I would add too. Those are definitely some!
And of course I' know I'm missing a lot more ….
The original Red Dawn
….. so many good ones!!
Yeah, Reservoir Dogs and also Spies Like Us and Airplane.
I would ditch about half of these, easily. I would switch Mean Girls with Heathers. There's a lot of Disney that I would throw on there as well– Nightmare Before Christmas, Monsters Inc, Little Mermaid, Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Tangled, etc etc etc. I agree with your addition of Elf and Napoleon Dynamite. Is Dazed and Confused too old? Half Baked always makes me laugh and so does Grandma's Boy. Big Fish kills my heart every time, and I love it. My Neighbor Totoro, Ghost In the Shell, Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, Akira, The Matrix, Mallrats, Clerks, Blade Runner, Inception, Blade, Underworld….
War Games….
I began putting together a list of movies I've rewatched many times but it quickly became far too long. Instead I'll just mention a single movie which I've watched quite a few times: Tomorrow, When the War Began (2010).
don't get me started:D
Where's Friday?
so…no Harold&Maude? for shame.
Love Actually and Notting Hill are surely worthy of being included.
I would add:
Full Metal Jacket
Fast & Furious (minus Tokyo drift)
The Full Monty
The Goonies
Star Wars ( the older ones)
Smokey & The Bandit (first one)
Talladega Nights
The Godfather
Steel Magnolias
The Devil Wears Prada
Nacho Libre
Any Almodovar movie
Man on Fire
Mary Poppins
Kung Fu Hustle
I'm ok with Akira and Fight Club, not so keen on the others.
Dark City
Mr&Mrs Smith
V for Vendetta
Trick or Treat
OK +Scott Cramer you need to change the picture LMAO
Next time I pick a generic pic for the post. BUT, I've gotten some movies mentioned here that are new to me or I've forgotten and am looking forward to rewatching!
Red Dawn (original) always, always brings a tear to my eyes. 90% of the movies mentioned would be on my long haul voyage to the stars must have movies.
Hmm, I haven't seen 7 of them. But have seen all the ones in the top 15, at least.
Zoolander is one that I find very re-watchable, and The Color Purple.
XI have watched and like all of these.
I have recently added the movie "Pitch Perfect" to my list of rewatchables. If you haven't watched it give it a chance it wasn't at all what I expected and ferry funny. I regimens watching at least once with subtitle on some of the funniest parts come from a character that is almost inaudible (that's her shtick [wow droid autocorrect had a suggestion for shtick]).
+Allen Simpson, Pitch Perfect – yes, yes, and yes!
I seen almost all of them… The one that came to mind for me was "The Fifth Element"
You can add all the Ghibli studio movies.
Rocknrolla ! Oh yeah @Rita machete
+Hermine Ngnomire just before Saturday ;p
SpaceBalls , Billy Madison, Swingers, Shawshank