
Taken with Nexus 4 on last trip to the zoo; modified with stock tools.

I played with the original a bit to get a more vibrant color version. I took that version and played with the black and white filter first, then the curves, and subtly tweaked shadows and contrast to get the black and white. I was pretty pleased with the outcome; all done on the Nexus screen.

#pelican #photography

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7 Responses to Pelican

  1. Chad Wilson says:

    This is a brief subject.

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    Oy. Very funny +Chad Wilson. 😉

  3. pradeep rathore says:

    nice close shot..

  4. Matt Ingrouille says:

    You got a case or screen protector for it?

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    Bump case. And I stay away from the ocean now.

  6. Jeff Shigenaka says:

    Nice. How do you like the Nexus 4? Mine has gotten a little quirky but is manageable for the time being. I love the camera!

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jeff Shigenaka Still love it. Occasionally the touch screen goes a little weird on me for a few seconds. Otherwise okay.

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