Another Fine Day

Ah, morning! My trusted friend who brings me another fine day filled with sunshine and sidewalks paved with gold.

Morning selfie taken with the Nexus 4; manipulated with stock tools.


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17 Responses to Another Fine Day

  1. Nikki Cartlidge says:

    Hey Scott!  It looks like you have developed a fluffy left ear overnight ;D

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    Ha. Yeah, legit. 😉

    Must be a radiation side effect of playing with the phone too much lately…

  3. Kari Tedrick says:

    This is, hands down, the absolute best thing I've seen so far, EVER!
    I can  -laugh- look at this all day long!. Gonna set it as my desktop!
    Edit{{ G+ formatting hates me}}}

  4. Kyla Myers says:

    We'd make a fine pair. I look like a Shirley Temple reject first thing in the morning!

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    Why do I keep hearing Jack Nicholson? 😉

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kari Tedrick You need out more! Lol

  7. Dirk Reul says:

    Oh Scott, the things that can be done with pics like this


  8. Kyla Myers says:

    You look very Peter Falk as Columbo in this pic. 🙂

  9. Carrie Canup says:

    +Dirk Reul we know what you and +Scott Cramer do with pictures like this…. And photoshop is only part off it

  10. Kari Tedrick says:

    +Scott Cramer 
    What? Are you Kidding?!!
    This is priceless! With one eye open, one eye squinched, hair sticking straight up and scraggly stubble, the only thing missing is the drool stained pillow!

  11. Dirk Reul says:

    I wonder where you get your ideas >>

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kari Tedrick It's just out of shot. ;-)~

  13. Basil Doeringsfeld says:

    That actually doesn't look too bad. You should rock it for a while!

  14. Scott Cramer says:

    And then Basil laughs evilly…

  15. Dave McBarron says:

    Arr, matey

  16. sheree hofert says:

    Cool pic

  17. Bryan Beck says:

    Guy feiri hair.

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