Commission Mash-Up

All thanks to +Kyla Myers for this wonderful find. Shout out to her models +Halfdan Reschat and +Dirk Reul. Give them a hand! 😉

Inspiration from +CathiBea Stevenson's original post.

Commission Mash-Up

All thanks to +Kyla Myers for this wonderful find. Shout out to her models +Halfdan Reschat and +Dirk Reul. Give them a hand! 😉

Inspiration from +CathiBea Stevenson’s original post.


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58 Responses to Commission Mash-Up

  1. Terry McNeil says:

    I don't even…

  2. Emilio Boronali says:


  3. Andrea Evans says:

    OMG! I laughed so hard it hurt!!!

  4. Dirk Reul says:

    glares at Kyla and Scott

  5. Anna Robertson Davis says:

    My eyes hurt.

  6. Terry McNeil says:

    +Andrea Evans New wallpaper??

  7. Dirk Reul says:

    Because of the patterns, right? Right?

  8. Simon W says:

    You ladies look beautiful!

  9. Scott Cramer says:


  10. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    Ah, they look so cute!

  11. Kyla Myers says:

    Love you, Dirkins. 😉

  12. Dirk Reul says:

    silently sobs

  13. Aaron Wood says:


  14. Andrea Evans says:

    +Terry McNeil The calendar is slowly coming together.  I just think that even though a picture is worth a thousand words I should take time to do a little limerick for each one.  You know, truly pay each picture the honour that it deserves.

  15. Dirk Reul says:

    What is this feeling called that I am experiencing just now… O_O

  16. Andrea Evans says:

    That would be JOY welling up inside of you.

    And GRATITUDE for having such great friends!

  17. Dirk Reul says:

    I am not quite sure I would use those exact words 😛 
    I do love you guys though

  18. Terry McNeil says:

    +Andrea Evans It only seems fitting.
    Sell the calenders for a charity?

  19. Andrea Evans says:

    Hahahaha – will have to do some research and find one that is appropriate.

    What do you think +Scott Cramer?

  20. Micha Fire says:

    wow – that's an idea to use up left over wool 

    (though I don't think men like +Dirk Reul or +Halfdan Reschat would wear those colors……………)

  21. Scott Cramer says:

    +Andrea Evans Just let me know what months need filled. 😉

  22. Andrea Evans says:

    Bwahahahahaha – I think I just heard +Dirk Reul whimper from half a world away!

  23. Dirk Reul says:

    I don't even…

  24. Halfdan Reschat says:

    I want to question your mental state, +Scott Cramer, but I have to admit that +Dirk Reul and I look incredibly adorable. Ahem, I mean <something very, very manly>

  25. Dirk Reul says:

    Well, yes.. we do.. <_<

  26. Halfdan Reschat says:

    I just realized that the two guys in the original photo are Danish actors/comedians and I've seen one of the shows they are in (Rytteriet) live a few years ago.

  27. Kyla Myers says:

    We thought that was particularly appropriate, Halfdan. 🙂

  28. Scott Cramer says:

    And by we, she totally means just her… because I'm just a commissioned button monkey. Yup. #innocentandmaligned

  29. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Scott Cramer, I imagine you sitting and laughing your ass off while making this. If that is innocent I need a need dictionary.

  30. Anna Robertson Davis says:

    Yes, +Dirk Reul , it's the pattern burning my eyes   <_<

  31. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Anna Robertson Davis, but the smiles of +Dirk Reul and me are making up for it, right?

  32. Anna Robertson Davis says:

    Err, yes +Halfdan Reschat >_>

    eyes drift down again

    retinas burn

  33. Dirk Reul says:

    What? We are lovely!

  34. John Poteet says:

    Want. It's like reverse camouflage  If you wear that nobody can see your face.

  35. Anna Robertson Davis says:

    You are both adorable. +Dirk Reul !  🙂  Even in crochet!

  36. Dirk Reul says:

    Good save, +Anna Robertson Davis 🙂

  37. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Lovely. Just lovely. And colorful!

    +Halfdan Reschat +Dirk Reul wondermous! Just beautimous guys!

  38. Nikki Cartlidge says:

    Super smashing terrific great!
    Beautiful & adorable +Halfdan Reschat & +Dirk Reul !

    I would most definitely be up for buying a calendar ;D

  39. Chad Wilson says:

    This has got to be one of the scariest images posted to the inter-tubes in quite some time.

  40. Dirk Reul says:

    I fear we will end up in slightly smutty places, I mean the calendar <_<

  41. Mellie B says:

    cutest couple EVER

  42. Capin Chip says:

    Reminds me of an old afgan my mom knitted.

    WAIT a sec, Afghan and Halfdan kind of rhyme.  Coincidence?!?

  43. Chad Wilson says:

    Halfdan, the Afghan Madman

  44. Scott Cramer says:

    +Capin Chip Hm… I prefer to think it is the fulfillment of ages long prophecy!

  45. Chad Wilson says:

    And there shall come forth two brings of color, and they will be arrayed in many colors such that none have seen before, and shall never see again.  This will be a sign of the end days.

  46. Micha Fire says:


    prophecy alright ………………

  47. Carrie Canup says:

    I think this is all a clever ruse to convince old ladies to sit on them…I know that they both love the old ladies…

    "Oh look at this lovely blanket here on this sofa, I will sit and enjoy my tea and watch reruns of The Peoples Court.  Something appears to be poking me in the behind, must be a bad spring…."

    +Andrea Evans put me down for 2 calendars, my grandmother will love it…..

    (btw, curse you Google that this did not appear in my stream until I went a-looking for it)

  48. Lori Hawkins says:

    Are you making a fashion statement, because if you are, you are epicly failing.

  49. John Poteet says:

    A fashion statement that results in an epic fail is a success.

  50. Kyla Myers says:

    I think Halfdan and Dirk are positively adorable in those outfits. 🙂

  51. Carrie Canup says:

    It makes me think that I will have to perfect my grannysquare….once +Charlie Hoover sees this he'll be demanding one!

  52. Charlie Hoover says:

    I think my mom made me something like this once…=P

  53. Dirk Reul says:

    How did you miss this, Carrie! Tsk tsk

    +Charlie Hoover I oh you poor, poor.. wait, I am the one in that picture as a grownup!

  54. Carrie Canup says:

    I tried this thing called sleep +Dirk Reul


    I wasn't tagged

  55. Dirk Reul says:

    You Carrie-Fu is growing weak <<

  56. Halfdan Reschat says:

    It looks like Google agree with your shipping, +Scott Cramer:

  57. Dirk Reul says:

    That.. I don't even..

  58. Scott Cramer says:


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