Flower Pot Ice Cream Dessert

Super easy-to-make dessert. Daughter and I had fun putting this together for a birthday party.

#icecreamrecipes   #kidsactivities   #dessertrecipes  

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8 Responses to Flower Pot Ice Cream Dessert

  1. Kyla Myers says:

    Great job!!

  2. Andy Goldman says:

    Very cool idea.

  3. Christine Bogart says:

    That is adorable!  What a fun cake!

  4. Dirk Reul says:

    That is a really cute idea, well done, Scott and Scott's daughter 🙂

  5. Skye Delaney says:

    The design is adorable!!
    What is much more adorable is the obvious love you have for your daughter. +Scott Cramer ?

  6. Nikki Cartlidge says:

    Genius! What a fab idea

  7. Jo Lane says:

    Yummy 😀

  8. Tamra Bryan says:

    I want to try this. Thanks for posting all the steps!

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