Someone stole my hat!

Waiting for +Yoon-Mi KimΒ to show up at her birthday tea party. She's late. She's late… πŸ˜‰

#MadYoonsTeaParty #HappyBirthdayYoon #gplususermashup Β 

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19 Responses to Someone stole my hat!

  1. The Final Colony - Author Lacerant Plainer says:

    Wow +Scott Cramer just brilliant the Photoshop work. Hats off (The mad hatter of course) !

  2. Catherine Maguire says:

    That is seriously fabulous!!!

  3. Dirk Reul says:

    I wonder, just how many heads of yourself to you have, Scott? This is superb πŸ™‚

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    It is odd +Dirk Reul, to do an edit without you in it! πŸ˜‰

  5. Dirk Reul says:


    True, I feel like you don't like me any more

  6. Scott Cramer says:


  7. Dirk Reul says:

    I'm sure there is already stuff lines up :p

    Wait, I mean o_O

  8. Charlie Hoover says:

    Theres always the rabbit…

  9. Keith Cramer says:

    surreal. I think you would have made an excellent addition to wonderland. Now that I think of it, I'd love to see a version where you replace Alice.

  10. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    +The Final Colony – Author Lacerant PlainerΒ …what photoshop work? πŸ˜‰

    Scott!! SUPERB! I love it so much, I love how +Mary C.Β is looking at you so expectantly (probably waiting for you to drop your cup and embarrass yourself in such stellar company) πŸ˜›

  11. Mary C. says:

    I admit… nothing! <_<

  12. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    G'on….GO ON! ADMIT IT!! Don't make me go all 'a few good men' on you πŸ˜‰

  13. Scott Cramer says:

    O! O! Make her!!!

  14. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    You can't make a ghost do stuffs! They just slip through the walls πŸ˜‰

  15. Mom Westmoreland says:

    ROFL !!! I've got to stop following you, or I'll die hysterically laughing.

  16. Keith Cramer says:

    No dying allowed. It's against Google's Terms of Service.

  17. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    I dunno…I think dying should be allowed.

  18. Scott Cramer says:

    Hair dye. Yes, yes.

  19. Keith Cramer says:

    +Yoon-Mi Kim they don't want the user base to shrink!

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