Chromecast (almost) Ordered!

On order with Best Buy; 3 to 5 days. One for +Keith Cramer and +Dustin Cochran too. 😉

EDIT: CURSES BEST BUY!!! After sitting on hold forever waiting for confirmation, she says it's a "hot item" (duh) and we can't get it.

EDIT TWO: Google Play order completed (thanks +Keith Cramer). 3-4 weeks out on shipping according to Google.
Chromecast (almost) Ordered!

On order with Best Buy; 3 to 5 days. One for +Keith Cramer and +Dustin Cochran too. 😉

EDIT: CURSES BEST BUY!!! After sitting on hold forever waiting for confirmation, she says it’s a “hot item” (duh) and we can’t get it.

EDIT TWO: Google Play order completed (thanks +Keith Cramer). 3-4 weeks out on shipping according to Google.

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25 Responses to Chromecast (almost) Ordered!

  1. Chad Wilson says:

    Beat ya to it.  I ordered mine yesterday.

  2. George Koklas says:

    You are despicable!!!!

    (so jealous right now!!! Hope you enjoy it, it really looks awesome!!!!)

  3. Michael Neidlinger says:

    I've seen some people picking them up at Local Best Buys. I'm 1/2 tempted to swing by mine to see if they have any.

  4. Chad Wilson says:

    Up to now, I have been sing my Wii to watch NetFlix on the TV, but NetFlix is limited to streaming SD content.  The ChromeCast will net me HD, instead.

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    I'll have to check in-store. Ordering on the phone just totally bombed! I guess I should not have posted until I had confirmation. But… we were on hold… and I was excited… Jinxed.

  6. Bearman Cartoons says:

    I just went to BB and they had them.  Find a remote one in your area and pick that.

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    +Bearman Cartoons Called the ones in our area and no go. +Keith Cramer just ordered ones for all of us from Google Play. Just have to wait… Blah. Hate waiting! I want an Oompa Loompa NOW! 😉

  8. George Koklas says:

    +Scott Cramer seems that Netflix offer has expired…

  9. Scott Rosenberg says:

    I bought mine in a store. It's pretty awesome.

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    Will post a review when I get to play with it. 🙂

  11. Scott Rosenberg says:

    I have a review ready at

  12. Keith Cramer says:

    +Scott Rosenberg why do you have to be all like, "I got mine, You no got one, I got mine, you no got one."

    Like, totally not cool and stuff.

    Same goes for you +Bearman Cartoons — even though you can't use it with your apple stuff.

  13. Scott Rosenberg says:

    +Keith Cramer It's not really a big deal TBH

    This isn't like I got an iphone 19

  14. Keith Cramer says:

    Nice try. Still jealous.

  15. Scott Rosenberg says:

    +Keith Cramer Don't hold me responsible for your impatience.

  16. Keith Cramer says:

    I needed someone to blame!

    Best buy near my house only rec'd 8 of them.

  17. Scott Rosenberg says:

    +Keith Cramer Blame bestbuy for understocking

    Or, you could blame yourself for impatience.

  18. Mellie B says:


  19. Keith Cramer says:

    +Scott Rosenberg I've already blamed both!

    +Mellie B you're a terrible mediator.

  20. Mellie B says:

    Who said anything about mediation?

    I wanna be amused!

  21. Mellie B says:

    NOW KISS !

  22. Keith Cramer says:

    Why do I suddenly feel like a trained dancing monkey.

  23. Scott Rosenberg says:

    We all are

  24. Chad Wilson says:

    My order with GooglePlay has shipped.  I have been looking at various way to play NetFlix on the TV that didn't require lots of money, something that would get me HD.  My Wii can only display SD content.

  25. Chad Wilson says:

    I received my Netflix code and successfully redeemed it on my existing account.  $23.97 was credited to my NetFlix account (3 months).  I paid a total of $41.43 with shipping and sales tax for the ChromeCast.  Thus, I only paid $17.46 total for the ChromeCast.  In all, that is a fair price for an experiment!

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