Sharknado Sequel

Because +matthew rappaport requested it on his #autoawesome  post, I present to you, Sharknado 2: Sharkainbow!

You thought the storm had passed, but the gold at the end of the rainbow was actually crimson red!

Matthew's original post:

#autoawesome   #sharknado   #sharknado2   #sharkattack   #animatedgif   #gplususermashup  

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12 Responses to Sharknado Sequel

  1. Michelle C says:

    Must steal this!!!

  2. Sandra Berkshier says:

    Haha! That is glorious.

  3. Michelle Roll says:


  4. Sandra Berkshier says:

    I am going to think about this every time I see a rainbow for the rest of my life. You have ruined me.

  5. Whitney Black says:

    I still just don't get the appeal of this whole thing. flying sharks? :/

  6. matthew rappaport says:

    The epic is here and it is HUNGRY!!! Nice touch +Scott Cramer and that's not just +That's DEFINITELY What She Said .. I'm saying it too! #plusnado

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    Thank you for the inspiration and challenge +matthew rappaport!

    +Whitney Black Because… Sharks! Flying! Just need lasers! +Fluffy McSharkah Khan

    +Sandra Berkshier I feel guilty! It usually takes a much more concentrated effort for ruination! I shall have to think of something appropriate for reparations. 😉

  8. Sandra Berkshier says:

    I appreciate that +Scott Cramer

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    Heh… We shall see! 😉

  10. Fluffy McSharkah Khan says:

    Does this #autoawesome make me look fat?

  11. matthew rappaport says:

    Friggin Laserbeams attached to their friggin heads SCOTTTTT! Give daddy a hug!

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    Looks like I need to return to Photoshop!

    +Fluffy McSharkah Khan No. Not at all!

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