Curse you +Allen Simpson !!!Addiction
Curse you +Allen Simpson !!!
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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.
Curse you +Allen Simpson !!!Addiction
Curse you +Allen Simpson !!!
Google+: View post on Google+
Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.
Oh. My. God. Just as well they're impossible to find here in Australia (nearly).
I crave them fort-nightly
Ever since you mentioned them I have been actively avoiding that part of the grocery. Then, daughter wanted to buy Kit Kat bites…
+Noya Chong Wah , we can send you a care package, if ya want. 😉
OMIGOD no don't!
What kind of friends would we be if we denied you this blessing? We would be communists, that's what! And communists hate butterfinger bites. Don't be a communist, eat butterfinger bites.
I'm definitely not a communist. At least not a thin one. Lol
I'll be a definite non-thin non-communist if I get my hands on those things