I saved this a while back and forgot to post. +Doug Savage and Savage Chickens. Circle him now. Buy a book. The man has to eat people! Well, with a comma; he doesn't actually eat people. Although, he lives in Canada so maybe; I have heard rumors and stuff… But still, buy a book. Or circle him. He'll appreciate it; when he's not eating people.
#savagechickens #tauntaun #thisishowrumorsstart ?Another exciting episode of “Taun Taun Doctor”
I saved this a while back and forgot to post. +Doug Savage and Savage Chickens. Circle him now. Buy a book. The man has to eat people! Well, with a comma; he doesn’t actually eat people. Although, he lives in Canada so maybe; I have heard rumors and stuff… But still, buy a book. Or circle him. He’ll appreciate it; when he’s not eating people.
#savagechickens #tauntaun #thisishowrumorsstart
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Hey now, we Canadians don't eat people. We eat a balanced diet of maple syrup and Timbits, beer, and bacon.
TIM BITS??!?!? Sounds like people to me, Missy!!!
They are doughnut (donut) holes. Defiantly not people.
(except when they are: http://blogs.ubc.ca/benetkin/files/2013/11/timbitshockey.jpg )
Thanks for the mentions, Scott! And Patty's got it right – those are the four Canadian food groups!
Soylent timbits. I'm watching you northerners. Just saying. 😉
I'm sorry. It seems you have a case of The Rebel Scum.
+Scott Cramer soylent green hummm tastes better when its Canadian. Yum
Recurring dream of mine. Its not even remotely funny.