I apologize if this is the first post you see upon waking. I was going to save the heavy artillery but Meg Ryan +Keith Cramer fired first! http://goo.gl/9XT4Rv
We spent a portion of the weekend reenacting scenes suggested by friends. Very… interesting… weekend. lol
Original thread on the Low Budget Scene Reenactment:
#cramerbrothers #lowbudgetscenereenactment
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I'm so glad we are still seen as friends 😀
Daughter outgrew that dress a while back… if not I think she would be done with it now! 😉
Sleepless in Indiana?
+Knut Torgersen I think everyone should live closer so we could draft them into the shenanigans. 😉
+Jim Gomes FTW! hehehe I know that I can't sleep. The nightmares… the nightmares!
Waiting for you two to be Rajeeved. It's only fair.
Oh my equivocal words! Guys! But what have you done? When I was talking about a powerful weekend of fun and sex did not mean that! 😀 😀 😀
LOL! MIB comes to mind. Shenanigans indeed 🙂
+Kimberly Chapman That is an outcome we never considered. Shivers
I am so excited about seeing the rest of the pictures after these tasters 😛
Haha… +Salvio Giglio I nearly died laughing.
My nightmares will begin once the dreaded "When Harry Met Sally" scene is officially revealed.
Save your block button until then +Kimberly Chapman !
+Mellie B yes, I am sexy as a blonde.
+Jo Lane pictures?? Bwahaha… no, +Scott Cramer decided video would be better. I foolishly went along with it.
Good bye any Presidential aspirations.
AMAZING – well I can't wait for the full length HD feature film then 😛
Can I come to the premiere?
+Keith Cramer I dont have words! ahhahaahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahha LOL
+Jo Lane Unless I can convince +Scott Cramer that the footage is best destroyed, you will be invited to the premiere along with the other 2,768,999,999 Internet users.
Did you see that number +Scott Cramer… According to the Internet (which is never wrong) there are approximately 7.1 billion people on the planet… and 39% of them use the Internet. That's a lot of eyeballs brother. It's not too late to stop the madness!
This is going to be interesting.
Words cannot describe this… Would like to see more reenactments of something that wouldn't have me gouge my eyes out with a blunt fork…?hehehe!
+Jeff Shigenaka We call that a spork…Which incidentally is what I used to stab Scott "Shane" Cramer when we did the Walking Dead scene.
I'd be so ready for participating, yes!
+Keith Cramer did you use the lavender deodorant too?
At least +Keith Cramer looks classy in this photo; unlike you, +Scott Cramer, in +Keith Cramer's photo.
Nope, no lavender +Mellie B , just plain old "secret".
I think +Halfdan Reschat just called you a hussy +Scott Cramer
Full credit to +Halfdan Reschat! That is exactly the character that I was portraying so SPOT ON! Ah-hem.
be the best
I want to be the very best,
Like no one ever was.
To catch them is my real test,
To train them is my cause.
+Halfdan Reschat Did +Fluffy McSharkah Khan steal your G+ password again???
+Scott Cramer, +Fluffy McSharkah Khan doesn't know the meaning of the word Pokémon.
+Fluffy McSharkah Khan Doesn't need to know the meaning of bite sized appetizers. #numberonefluffyfan
#melliebisjealous 😉
Wow so much for being a suck-up