Attack of the Secret Santa Gifts!

It was a day just like any other. And then, there was a knock at the door. Three knocks to be precise. I looked out and there was nobody there. "Huh? Weird." I thought. Then I heard a flat hollow voice instructing me to look down. When I did, I saw something sitting at the threshold of the doorway. Kneeling down to have a closer look, I was confronted with what looked like a tiny silver robot. Curiouser and curiouser! Before I could say another word there were sounds coming from either side of the doorway. I looked to the right and a tiny blue metal figure was rolling toward me. It was shrieking the word, "Exterminate!" over and over. To the left, I saw a zombie figure lumbering persistently to the open door. Before I knew it they were all standing, menacingly tiny, in front of me. The silver robot thing that had first knocked bid me goodbye in an ominous tone. As panic started to set in, I heard another noise, but this time coming from the stairs behind me. "Oh no," I thought. "More of them." I turned quickly and saw a very tiny redheaded girl with the key to my car. "Run!!!" she yelled. I do not remember all the events immediately after but we survived. She introduced me to a friend she called "Doctor" and his fantastic blue box. We all ran together. And we've been running ever since.

Thank you so very much to +Secret Santa for the generous and awesomely geeky gifts! +Dirk Reul is totally credited with the Cyberman who started the attack on my Townhouse today. The Dalek, Walking Dead Zombie, and Amy Pond were anonymously just signed, "Secret Santa" when they arrived together in one box. Thank you to Dirk and thank you to Anonymous Secret Wonderful Person. You have officially started the holiday season for me! And, to Anonymous, there was one other gift but I am keeping it secret because it is so awesome that it will be going to daughter on Christmas day and I do not want her to see!

#gplussanta   #christmasgifts   #doctorwho   #animatedgif   #cyberman   #dalek   #amypond   #walkingdead   #zombie

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44 Responses to Attack of the Secret Santa Gifts!

  1. Sean Cowen says:

    #gplussanta  is a great tag to use also, +Scott Cramer ! 🙂

    Cool idea with this!

  2. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Cute um. uh. Scary tiny thingies!!

  3. Johnnie Angel says:

    That is So Kewl

  4. Juan Carlos says:

    This is awesome lol great job!

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    Added the tag +Sean Cowen. I totally forgot about that one!

  6. James D says:

    and a key fob, too??

  7. vicente reyes says:

    Awesome gift. ????

  8. Keith Cramer says:

    Nice job bro,

  9. Dirk Reul says:

    Well, we were hard pressed for a full scale invasion so uhm.. we had to scale things down just a tiny bit :p

  10. Halfdan Reschat says:

    This felt like a great, little Doctor Who minisode.

  11. Dirk Reul says:

    It really does!

  12. Daniela Huguet Taylor says:

    That's so fabulous! Loved the story. 🙂

  13. AmyBeth Inverness says:

    If it had been four knocks, he'd be even more screwed.

  14. Michele Messenger says:

    Haha…Love this Scott!!

  15. Scott Cramer says:

    Thanks guys! You all rock!!! It's all of you that interact that inspire me. So, thank YOU!!! And…. a bounty on the head of the Anonymous Secret Santa! hehehe

  16. Scott Cramer says:

    I forgot… One of the maintenance guys for the complex drove by in his little golf cart sized vehicle while I had the front door wide open kneeling down and taking pictures. He looked over quite puzzled at me, especially since it was only in the 30's or 40's outside. I waved. He waved. Back to business. ;-D

    The office women know me as the guy who dressed like an asteroid on the playground slide. lol 😉

  17. Salvio Giglio says:

    +Scott Cramer awesome, stupendo, bello, bello, bello! But when do You thing this? Wonderfull!

  18. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    Awesome gif! Awesome story telling – I remember how you did this last year too, I selfishly hope you get many more secret santa gifts 🙂

  19. Salvio Giglio says:

    +Yoon-Mi Kim If I have only 1 point of +Scott Cramer's brain… This man is a genius! Serious!

  20. Scott Cramer says:

    Shucks, you guys are good for the ego. Now, excuse me while I go cut a bigger opening in my front doorway to get my big head out! Hehehe! Seriously, though, thank you very much.

  21. Salvio Giglio says:

    +Scott Cramer heehheheeheheh for Your BIG EGO …… hahaahahahah =_0

  22. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    I do have a slight peeve with "anonymous" … you should have sent the 4 parcels separately so we could get 4 different stories!! 😀

  23. Salvio Giglio says:

    +Yoon-Mi Kim hihihihihihihihihiihih

  24. Scott Cramer says:

    +Yoon-Mi Kim I was already floored. I think separate boxes would have sent me into a coma of gratitude with nobody to aim it at! 😀

    And… If any of you caught the latest feature rollout presentation by +Vic Gundotra a month or so ago, he said that G+ was all about storytelling and telling our stories. The fact that they set things up for animated GIFs to show in the stream like they do helps facilitate so many new avenues to make and tell stories. Definitely a big thanks to him and his team.

  25. Salvio Giglio says:

    +Scott Cramer If I remember right now it's 2 Years of G+ almost for me and You and +Keith Cramer was my first contacts on G+… snif, sigh… commotion… Gasp! But I lost my hair in this time sob! 
    Now I'm serious… G+ it's very great in this an other ways! Thanks G*!!!

  26. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    +Salvio Giglio …are you saying what I think you're saying?… I'm pretty good at reading between the lines… The Cramer brothers made you lose your hair????? XD

  27. Salvio Giglio says:

    +Yoon-Mi Kim ahahahahahahahahahahahah You You ahahahahahahahah LOL

  28. Salvio Giglio says:

    +Yoon-Mi Kim I can't write LOL haahahahahhahah but It's possible… for their humor hahaahahahahahah

  29. Scott Cramer says:

    D'oh!!! Careful +Yoon-Mi Kim! Unless +Ashlan Nathens likes the "Star Trek The Motion Picture" Vger look! Hehehe

  30. Salvio Giglio says:

    +Scott Cramer AH HA AH  Sir.. ehm ehm….

  31. Arek Zagorski says:


  32. Salvio Giglio says:

    +Arek Zagorski NOT for ME !  But +Scott Cramer don't stop here! You will see!!!!! ghghhgghhgghhgghhghggh

  33. Salvio Giglio says:

    +Arek Zagorski One year ago I make +Scott Cramer BALD do You remember Mr. Cramer????? !!!!

  34. Arek Zagorski says:

    Lol +Salvio Giglio

  35. Scott Cramer says:

    I do indeed +Salvio Giglio 😉 You also made me into a turkey I think. 😉

  36. Salvio Giglio says:

    +Scott Cramer beware! ahhaahahahahahah next time I trasform You into a octopussy

  37. Jim Harrington says:

    Very creative.  Now I understand the 82,000 followers…

  38. Scott Cramer says:

    Thanks +Jim Harrington. Those were thanks to some Google black magic mostly. 😉

  39. Jim Harrington says:

    Was it all put together online or do you create your own GIF file?

  40. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jim Harrington I used Photoshop for everything. 😀

  41. Jim Harrington says:

    Well done sir.

  42. Scott Cramer says:

    Thank you. 😀

  43. Walid Muhammad says:

    lol…now that was funny +Scott Cramer

  44. Scott Cramer says:

    Thank you +Walid Muhammad 😀

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