Bacon Jerky

Sigh. Of course I had to try it. For, like, science and stuff.


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15 Responses to Bacon Jerky

  1. Dan Wilcox says:

    How was it?

  2. Chris Sobczynski says:

    And what where the results of your experimentation. This must be shared with the world….

  3. Wanda Howe says:

    "To the lab!"

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    It was like non crispy thick cut cold bacon. Felt weird eating bacon out of a bag. All in all, good. More bacon than jerky. But then, jerky has gotten wimpy over the years. I remember when you had to bite into a piece of jerky and shake your head back and forth like a bulldog while pulling hard enough to dislodge your teeth. Ah… the good old days.

  5. Adonis Inman says:

    What I'm the world?
    Isn't dried cooked bacon…. bacon?

    How much was it?

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    Hm. I did not look at the price. Too much. I'm not proud.

  7. Dan Wilcox says:

    Then I know what I'll be buying this weekend.

  8. Scott Jordan says:

    Bacon jerky. You argument is invalid.

  9. Jay Rombach says:

    Somehow all of my problems seem ok now…

  10. Dan Wilcox says:

    Life is good.

  11. Scott Cramer says:

    Except… It goes so fast. You need like three bags. :-/

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    Honestly, in going to buy a dehydrator. Looking at the Excalibur brand. Then we'll talk epic bacon jerky.

  13. Adonis Inman says:

    Details Scott.. how's it different than bacon?

  14. Kent Goertzen says:

    Why can't they just sell bacon?

  15. Scott Cramer says:

    It's thicker and chewier than bacon I normally have. Less greasy too.

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