Batman vs. Spiderman by Ismael Cantu Cantu

I absolutely adore this superhero mash-up I found on deviantART. The expressions, even Spidey with his mask on, are absolutely perfect!

#batman   #spiderman   #comicbookart   #deviantart  

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22 Responses to Batman vs. Spiderman by Ismael Cantu Cantu

  1. shawn parker says:

    +Charles Ofdensen

  2. Charles Ofdensen says:

    Takes more than spider senses to get the upper hand with Bats.

  3. Shaun College says:

    True, I am a Spider-fan, but with planning the Bat will win.

  4. ENRIQUE SOTO says:

    Yea with planning but in a fight even in a dark ally batman would go down

  5. Tom Suarez says:

    Spider-Man eats batman.

  6. Tech Mitchell says:

    Batman is toast!

  7. Scott Bee says:

    There is such a comic….

  8. Anthony Samy says:

    It a comic

  9. Ralph Uy says:

    If in a random encounter, Spider-mans abilities would outmatch Batman. He is faster & stronger, and his fighting ability way of the spider, outmatches Batman's martial arts. Batman needs the cover of night to be effective, but Spidey Sense trumps that. If there was a planned encounter, Batman would win.

  10. Soul king says:

    batmans better ralph guy

  11. Master Yoffie says:

    +Gotham Guardian

  12. Anthony Samy says:

    Spiderman is the best

  13. Andres Lopez says:

    I really need to leaen to draw

  14. Tech Mitchell says:

    No he's not soul guy.

  15. Cole Henry says:

    *betting 20 dollars on spider-man

  16. David Connell says:

    Batman observes and plans. Spidey would adapt to every plan, improvise brilliantly and win, driving Bats batty in the process.

  17. Claro Runtal says:

    Batman would have an initial plan to see how Spider-Man's powers work, then he would instantly have a plan to beat him.  Spider-Man couldn't compare to Batman.  Batman is smarter and is a tactical genius, he'd just use a device that confuses his spidey sense done and done.

  18. Tech Mitchell says:

    Maybe possibly if were talking amazing Spiderman. Let's not forget he's got horizon labs at his disposal and I'm sure they could locate a Batcave just as easily as Batman could figure out Spiderman special skills. But if we are talking superior Spiderman, Batman's gadgets and smarts don't stand a chance look what he just did to the kingpins headquarters.

  19. Scott Bee says:

    Apparently you didn't see/believe what I said:

    Spider-Man vs Batman with Carnage & Joker

  20. Chris Bell says:

    that is cool

  21. David Connell says:

    +Claro Runtal
    Why do people always forget that Spidey is really really smart? And unpredictable. If the Joker can give Batman a run for his money every time, then Spider-man, with his powers in addition to his ability to improvise, should be able to win.

  22. Claro Runtal says:

    I'm not saying that it wouldn't be an awesome fight and that Spidey isn't smart, cause he is. But, Batman has a plan for everything.  Just saying, I think Batman would still win this fight.

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