Because. Butterfly

She (?) just flew in front of me today at the zoo and posed. One of the greatest inventions? Cell phone camera. Two of these are HDR mode and the other is regular; all from the Nexus 4.

#cellphonephotography   #butterflyphotography   #butterfly  

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8 Responses to Because. Butterfly

  1. Robert Partridge says:

    Beautiful photos +Scott Cramer 🙂

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    Thank you +Robert Partridge 🙂

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    p.s., Sorry +Robert Partridge I deleted the first post I made because I forgot a picture. You commented in the first 2 seconds! You are borg. 😉

  4. Robert Partridge says:

    LOL … We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own

  5. Jane Ellen says:

    Schweet swallowtail

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    Thanks for the ID +Jane Ellen 🙂

  7. Micha Fire says:

    wish I could take such nice butterfly photos …….

  8. Maria B-R says:

    I love it! It's amazing!

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