Because I like humorous zombie advertising

I liked the idyllic town shot at the beginning and thought the pacing was done better than a lot of movies. Lol

Thanks +Nikki Cartlidge for turning me on to this. 😉


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10 Responses to Because I like humorous zombie advertising

  1. Kari Tedrick says:

    See? This is why I hate stereotypes. Just because they are zombies, doesn't mean they want to eat you.

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kari Tedrick Exactly. Besides, zombies don't hop. Reference +Doug Savage cartoon today.

  3. Kari Tedrick says:

    Yes. but that just means they are bad ass.
    On a side note, I am not fond of things that hop

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    Err… Oops. I think I got that one backwards. I'm going to be rubbish at the apocalypse.

  5. Nikki Cartlidge says:

    You guys need to watch In the flesh, you are getting it on BBC America apparently.
    Not your typical zombie prog!

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    Oh! I saw a preview for that. Looking forward to it!

  7. Nikki Cartlidge says:

    It is GOOD. You will love it!
    Season two has just been commissioned by BBC Three 🙂

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    Thanks Nikki! On your reccomendation alone, I'd be there. 🙂

  9. Anna Robertson Davis says:

    I second Nikki's recommendation of In the Flesh – a different take on zombies :).

  10. Nikki Cartlidge says:

    Thanks, dear Anna 😉

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