Because Random

This is a picture of me texting a photo of +Kristi Fahlsing jumping on a trampoline with my Chipotle burrito and a Monster lemonade in the moonlight to +matthew rappaport while standing on my head eating said burrito.

Out random me.


Edit: Google saw fit to show a different cover pic than the one I chose. Thanks Google guys.

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9 Responses to Because Random

  1. Bearman Cartoons says:

    Is that even comfortable?

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    No. No it is not.

  3. matthew rappaport says:

    Wow nice trampoline.. no clue she was on one in the pic! Just saw +foodporn and MONSTA DRINK!! Also how did they put the word tramp into trampoline .. is it to due with bouncing? #jussayin  🙂 +G+ Achievement Unlocked …how did it all taste while in motion +Scott Cramer and +Kristi Fahlsing ?! P.S. I LVOE #random

  4. Bearman Cartoons says:

    +Scott Cramer no no. I meant is is comfortable for +matthew rappaport that you have his number. Hahahaha

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    You were the first person to pop into mind whilst upside down.

  6. matthew rappaport says:

    Ha thanks.. or +Bearman Cartoons … numbas !

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    +Bearman Cartoons Me too. 😉

  8. Dirk Reul says:

    I am still trying to process all of this..

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    All hail random. I think it broke my stream. :-/

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