Been there!

Been there!

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19 Responses to Been there!

  1. Laurie Morrison says:

    PSHAW!!! There IS NO straight line in love! PERIOD!

  2. Caroline Evebetty says:

    I'm laughing because you've got the charge of humour to have made this picture and I can nearly imagine you ! XD
    +Laurie Morrison don't you notice the what the f* is happening which is just hilarious with the thing in between XDDDD

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    Hehe… I did not make it… just lived it at one time or another. No more!

  4. Laurie Morrison says:

    Yep, yep I DID +Caroline Evebetty I was kinda just hoping my comment would cover both without getting into the gory messy details. lol

  5. Laurie Morrison says:

    Haven't we ALL +Scott Cramer

  6. Jesús Segura says:

    life in it's current state…add some polar bears and unicorns and we are set.

  7. Caroline Evebetty says:

    +Scott Cramer I know but I picture you anyway ^^ XD

  8. Laurie Morrison says:

    OHHHH MY, YOU GOT UNICORNS?????!!!!! MAN I MISSED THAT!!!!!!! #day-UM!

  9. Jacqueline Hodsdon says:

    I think I can relate……:-)!

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    Unicorns! Ridden by pandas with ninja swords?!?!?!

  11. Luke Risher says:


  12. Alwyin Williams says:

    Still there… but I guess the figuring out is the fun part!

  13. Michele vonHild says:


  14. Scott Cramer says:

    +Michele vonHild Definitely a laugh from the world of the second drawing. 😉

  15. Michele vonHild says:

    +Scott Cramer lol Yes, I consider myself an "Expert" in the field of "The Second Drawing"! *Say that in a loud and echoing voice….for the full effect 😀

  16. Scott Cramer says:

    +Michele vonHild 🙂

  17. Anthony Diez De Andino says:

    The second drawing is much more fun to look at:) in that tumbleweed of lines is happiness somewhere I'm sure 😉

  18. KarlaSue Dugger says:

    Sooooo excellently articulated!

  19. Scott Cramer says:

    +KarlaSue Dugger Agreed. I can not take credit for the image, though… found it surfing with no author credit attributed to it.

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