Man! This photo contest made it to the big time (literally) when Big Head Jim made an appearance to give Little Head Keith some fashion tips and show him how to strike a pose! What do you think, should +Jim Gomes and +Keith Cramer make a buddy movie? What would it be called?! 😉
Contest entry from +Kristi Fahlsing and my lovely daughter (rubber banded and twisty tied into place). The soon to be ending Photo Contest can be found at my original post:
For past episodes of the ever expanding adventures of Big Head Jim: (what started it all!)
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+Keith Cramer is looking a little washed out…
He's not washed out, he's just getting into character for the buddy film we're going to make together, Some Like It Hot. We want to keep the old black and white film quality to it.
HAHA! Guys, you look so cute together! 🙂
I love this stuff. So funny to see where it'll be next.
Hmm… can't wait to see Big Head Jim at someplace like the Eiffel Tower! 😉
Let the voting begin! The Sweet Sixteen has been posted!
Big head +Jim Gomes and I. My first HIRL, and I wasn't even there.